Chapter 12

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The night before, after Erin "forced" said yes, they waited for Sam to return and everyone to say goodbye. Maya hugged Lindsay tightly and didn't want her to leave and Jesse started crying, even though he really likes Erin, they were sure it was more due to tiredness and stress from her birthday. Jay has already noticed how sleepy he is since congratulations.

Lindsay wanted a goodbye kiss, but it would be nearly impossible with three spectators, so they settled for looks they would get more of in the future.

Jay busied himself with cleaning up some things after everyone left, he let the kids play longer before the bath, however when he saw Jesse occasionally dozing off, he decided to give them both a bath. For a relaxed bath, he turned on the bathtub in the children's room, it was a connecting room with a shared bathroom in the middle. He let his children enjoy the hot water and play some more. As soon as they left, they brushed their teeth, put on their pajamas and the now 5 year old boy begged for a pajama party, the children were on vacation and they weren't going to change their schedule because the party tired them too much, so he let them a sleepover in his room, he put them to bed with hot milk and paw patrol playing on the bedroom TV.

He didn't think much about Lindsay, he was in daddy mode and knew if he let his mind wander to her it would be uncomfortable. But he was grateful for her, he told her to surprise Jesse and she did, it was amazing the way he reacted to the backpack and how she bought exactly the backpack he's been asking for for a month.

School would be back soon and the advertisements started and they always see it at Walmart, it's not the cheapest, but Jay wanted to buy it, as he knew it would last for a long time. He was shocked that Lindsay got it right and still spent extra money on the backpack, he should have put a limit on the amount. And tomorrow at work he would let her know how grateful he and Jesse were for the gesture. He didn't have time to thank her properly as the house was full and he was attending to everyone, but he would do so tomorrow morning. Furthermore, Maya asked him not to wash her hair, she wanted to leave her hairstyle forever. He laughed at that but left it, tomorrow he would take it off to wash her hair. But Lindsay did a great job and managed to make the whole family happy.


Lindsay was already very thoughtful and wanted to let her mind roll over what happened tonight and she would if Sam wasn't pestering her.

- It's very strange that they're missing their mother, don't you think? - Sam asks.

- I said he was a single father. - She says.

- I know, I remember, but she doesn't seem to have been mentioned and there aren't even any photos, I noticed a few photos and most of them were of the older children, either alone or with Jay, I didn't see any other than those. - Sam says.

- I don't know what happened, but the children mentioned when they went to live with their father and that the house they are in is much better. It seems to have a long story behind it. - Davis mentions thoughtfully.

- Well, I don't know about the other house, but this one? My God. The kids showed me their room and you know I had a room to myself when I moved in with you and a birthday party too, they seemed to have everything, I wish we had grown up with a father like him. - Samantha says thoughtfully.

- He is incredible. - She says thinking about Jay, she saw the way he watched his children do absolutely anything, it was a look that neither she nor Samantha had ever had and she would give it up just so Sam could have that, but what she doesn't know about the sister's feelings are that Samantha saw her as her mother/sister, that Sam felt that look every time her older sister took care of her. But the Halstead kids are privileged by the father they have, and seeing how deeply Jay loves those kids is beautiful.

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