Chapter 19

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They went home, Samantha was eager to hear about the meeting without even imagining everything that happened in her sister's life, not just in the days she was away, but since the day she started a new job.

- Ok, now tell me how you ended up dating your handsome boss. - Sam says, taking water from the fridge.

- First, I want you to know that I wasn't hiding anything from you, it's just that, he's my boss, I'm his subordinate and we needed to resolve this, we were trying to decide these things first before telling them and that's the only reason I I didn't tell you before...

- Have you had a date scheduled for that long? - She asks a bit confused and sits on the counter while her older sister is leaning against the edge of the dining table.

- We kissed the night we went to the bar, before Jesse's birthday. - she says and Sam's mind goes to that day.

- Oh my God. - She thinks again. - OH MY GOD... You are the worst sister in the world. - She says and on the counter there was a pot with decorations, Sam takes one and throws it at her sister. - You kissed that night and you said nothing happened! - She says looking at her lying sister.

- It was nothing we could do, he kissed me and apologized and I ended up kissing him again, but in the end we didn't talk or anything, we just kissed...

- And the next day? - Samantha asks.

- Well then there was Jesse's party and we...

-No...-She stops shocked, she even saw her sister talking to him a lot but she imagined it was because they worked together, not to sneak around when no one was looking. - As?

- That's beside the point... well, that was the night he asked me out on a date. - She says.

- You have a date scheduled for a week and will you let me know now? I shipped you from day one and you lied to me. You liar. - she keeps throwing things at her sister.

- So as to. -Erin laughs at her sister, she wasn't angry, she was teasing. - You have to understand that we wanted to resolve our situation and figure things out, before we say anything, you get very excited and we weren't sure what we were. We didn't get to talk much and everything, but he ended up having to go and solve some problems. - She tells it off.

- So if you didn't solve anything, why did you decide to tell me? - She doesn't seem angry, just curious.

- Because we haven't resolved anything, but... - She pauses. - well, I ended up going to his house to help with the children and that's when we resolved some things, like, we're dating.

- FALLING IN LOVE? - She asks shocked. - Did you and your hot boss go from professionals to boyfriends in less than two months? -She questions her sister that she is now thinking in that direction.

- That's right. -She says waiting for her sister to continue and they enter in silence looking at each other.

- Are you dating. - Sam says excitedly and leaves the counter smiling at her sister, nodding.

- Yes we are. - She says.

- I am happy for you. - She says hugging her sister. - Are you happy? -She moves away to look at her and watch as she responds.

- Very happy, as soon as we succeed, I will arrange a meeting with all of us so we can get to know each other better. Me and you and them and the children...

- Oh, yes, and the children? Do they already know everything? - She questions.

- No, and it's also supposed to stay that way. - She tells her sister. - We decided that for now it's better for me to just be Jay's friend and not his girlfriend, so as not to cause confusion at first and for them to get used to me. Just yesterday, the four of us went to the park and it was really fun. - Lindsay takes out her cell phone and shows some photos, there are several, of the children on the swing, slide and every toy that existed in that park, as well as some miscellaneous videos. But what caught Sam's attention was the photo of the four of them, in it is Jay with Jesse on his lap, Maya on Lindsay's lap. The photo was beautiful and they looked like a family.

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