Chapter 4

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After leaving his children he goes to work. He knows his kids are in good hands, he wishes he had more time with them, but today he was more anxious than ever. He would see her again, they hadn't spoken since Saturday, and he couldn't get her words out of his head. "See you monday".

She wouldn't start today, but he would see her again, even though he'd been committed to being professional, it was hard to deny everything that had happened on Friday, the tingling that had felt in his hands when he'd touched her in the car, it was hard not to feel a part of her chest burning, right where she hit it before leaving. Her dimples lit up his vision. And so even if he couldn't have her, he would be happy to see her. Talking to her and seeing her in action.


When she went up to the top floor of the FBI building, she took a deep breath, fixed her blazer and stepped out of the elevator with confidence, even if inside she didn't feel like it. She had this power to hide her feelings perfectly. So she was walking towards the office of the man who could be her new boss and before entering she saw him, her heart fluttered a little. This man definitely moved her.

The only problem for Halstead was that she was sexy as fuck. She was coming towards her in his office. She was wearing a black pantsuit, with a light blue dress shirt underneath that had one or two buttons undone, showing nothing but her necklace and the skin of her neck. Her hair was down today and she was wearing heels, not too high and she walked so gracefully they barely made any noise. She was more beautiful than he remembered.

As soon as they entered they felt the tension in the room, they scrutinized each other and their eyes locked on each other and the same feeling they felt early Saturday morning when his hand touched hers. It wasn't the electricity of the touch, the ones they desperately wanted to feel again, but it was the sensation, it was something they couldn't explain, it was something they had never felt, but as it was unknown, they both thought it was just sexual attraction, all this tension they had, casual sex was the only intimacy they both allowed themselves to experience, meeting people, being safe, but never taking too far a step. They learned this from life.

-Good morning...-His hoarse voice interrupts his thoughts, he really doesn't care, because he desperately wants to hear more of her voice and get whatever it takes for her to start working with him as soon as possible.

- Good morning... - He gets up and adjusts his suit by buttoning it as soon as he walks towards her.

Like her, he was wearing a suit, what was funny was that his suit matched hers, it was a black blazer with a blue dress shirt, it was light, just a little darker than Lindsay's, but still, it looked like that they were matching, as if they had planned. Davis tried not to let on how sexy she thought he looked in a suit.

She knew he looked good because on Saturday morning after the mission they both got back into their suits, but they were too tired to notice much, today was different and they both felt the tension in the air. They both exchanged looks that lasted a long time in their opinion, but they didn't care, they wanted to get the most out of each other, because without knowing it, both committed themselves to professionalism.

- Well, if you weren't hallucinating and too tired to ask me to join the team, I really will take the job. - He doesn't know how he's going to manage to work with those dimples, that look and that playful way of hers, but he would find out, because he wasn't giving up.

- Never. I make no empty promises or invitations. - he smiles at her smile, a bit of a double meaning in his sentence, but he is serious and honest in his words. Jay Halstead had his integrity intact. His character and his principles, he wasn't too proud to break if necessary, but he undoubtedly kept his words as much as he could. And the look in his eyes stirred Lindsay and she wanted to throw all caution to the wind and feel his lips on hers, but she smiled and sat up, pushing her impure thoughts from her mind. - Have you already talked to SAC Miller? - He asks where she's been since Saturday.

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