Chapter 33

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Erin was in her room taking a shower and Samantha was in her room eating cereal and watching criminal cases.

- Erin!!! - Sam screams when he hears the door. She was undoubtedly not getting up to go answer. It was early and she was very comfortable in her bed. - Erin!!! - she screams once again, yes if her sister was sleeping she would scream until she woke up and answered the door.

Erin did not answer, the person at the door did not give up and Samantha snorted knowing that either she would let the person knock until she gave up or it would have to be her to answer. Grumbling, she gets up.

- Jay? - she asks strangely. - Is everything okay?

- Yes, I just came to pick up you and your sister for Maya's birthday.

- But isn't it in the afternoon? - she asks confused.

- We will have a special day with her, I want you both there. - Jay looks at the girl in her pajamas. - Go get dressed. - he asks. - Where is your sister?

- I think sleeping. - she says strangely.

- Can I come in?

- Of course, but are you okay?

- Yes. You said she usually runs away, I won't let her. - he smiles at her and she smiles back. She knew Jay was the guy.

- Her room is the last one at the end of the corridor. - She points out and he thanks her. Sam goes back to his own.

The music was random and Erin was a person who loved to sing and dance.

- I know that I can't take no more It ain't no lie I want to see you out that door Baby bye bye bye... - Erin was wrapped in the towel, with her hairbrush in her hand, her eyes closed while singing.

Jay entered the empty room and heard the music coming from the bathroom, he didn't even think much before opening the door invading his privacy, he imagined that he could have caught her in many ways, but singing 'N Sync was not one of them. She dancing, shaking her body was funny. He watched her in silence when he realized that she didn't notice him.

- Don't want to be a fo... - she stops in the middle of the song to scream in fright seeing someone standing at your door and pulling another sincere laugh from him. He thought she was so cute, dancing and singing clumsily and the face she makes when she gets scared is even cuter. - Jay, fuck, what a scare. - oh, and her dirty mouth. This one wasn't cute, but he loved it too. Especially when he fucked her and she had a dirtiest mouth with him.

- I hope you don't want to see me go out the door. - He quotes the part of the song she was singing with a shitty smile on her face.

- What are you doing here? - she asks shocked and covering her body in reaction, even if she was on a towel. One on the body and one on the hair. She had the combing brush just to sing, she didn't intend to comb and couldn't stand it when "Bye Bye Bye" started playing.

- I came to see you, talk to you and take you to my house. - he says still smiling at her. He was excited this morning, her actions made him even more excited and now he wasn't sure if she could cheer him up even more.

- Is everything okay? - She gets worried and pauses the music. - Did something happen to the children?

- It happened that Maya will have her dream birthday... - he closes the door and starts approaching her. - It will be a good day and a happy day, my girlfriend is amazing and after the party, we will tell the children that we are together.

- Jay... - she says and he stops in front of her.

- I don't know what you're running away from, but I don't care. If one day you want to tell me, I'll be here for you. If you never want to tell, I'll be here for you, but I won't let you run away. I love you, the children love you and you love them. And no, you can't keep your distance from them, you can't let them not get attached, because they've already clung, I've already become attached, you've already got attached and if I had any doubts, Magic Dreams... - he says with his voice all mellow like that of the woman from earlier. - He took away any doubts. Anyone who makes an effort to make my children happy, makes me happy and guess what? You make me happy and I want you. I want the complete package. With Sam, with the good things, the bad things and I'll be here. So, my girlfriend is not running away, not if I can say something about it.

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