Chapter 57

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Samantha and Jay were finally back at the hospital and found out that Erin was going in soon for her second surgery. They were told they couldn't see her before then. No matter how unfair they thought it was, it was what it was and this was medical protocol, they knew that as bad as all of this was, it was still for Erin's safety and that they wouldn't be banned if they had no reason to.

They were waiting in the waiting room, they were distressed, but they were also relieved that she hadn't gotten any worse or even an infection from the previous surgery in the time they had been gone and so, now they just had to wait and pray that this one would go well. right too.

She didn't improve, but she didn't get worse either, her condition was serious, but she remained stable from the moment she came out of surgery. They hoped she would improve after the second.

- I hate that. - Sam says and starts walking around the room.

- I know. - says Jay sitting down, he didn't want to sit down, but he knew that if he stood up he would start to get irritated. However, the anxiety was noticeable due to the way his leg was shaking. He watches her, she is also nervous.

- Have you ever been with her at the hospital? - Sam asks.

- What? - he didn't hear the question correctly or maybe he just didn't understand.

- Did she ever have to end up in the hospital after you started working together? - Sam questions.

- Once, but because she is stubborn, a man knocked her down and I got worried and made her come, but other than that, never. - he says, continuing his observation, he feels that there is something behind this question.

- She never told me...

- It was nothing, I was worried and asked her to come, I had nothing to say...

- No... the times she came to the hospital in the last twelve years, she never told me. - she says and looks at him.

- How can you be sure of this? - asks Jay, sitting more on the edge of the chair and now his leg has stopped shaking, and he has let his elbows rest on his thigh and he looks at Sam who has also stopped walking and is looking at him.

- She never told me, not even once, that she was injured to the point of having to go to the hospital. - she repeats. - I heard you talking about not telling the children, that you didn't want them to worry because they wouldn't understand her situation, they would only ask if she was going to live or die and you can't be sure.

- Sam...

- This is difficult for me, very difficult. - She sniffs and takes a deep breath. - It's hard to stay in this damn room waiting for her surgery to finish and still not know if everything will be ok. - she says the last sentence very angry, not at Jay, not at Lindsay and not at the doctors, she couldn't blame any of them, she was just angry at the circumstances. - I'm 21 years old, so I figured it would be really hard for kids to take it all in, and then I thought "wow, how lucky for me, she never even had a scratch on her, nothing." - She sniffs and smiles with a shrug. - But when you said you didn't want your children to know, I remembered all the times I slept at a friend's house, on random days and it wasn't planned. Okay, sometimes it could have been later affairs, a date... but there were times when it was days in a row and when I came home she had some injury or was walking strangely and she always said she fell wrong. - Sam says and Jay worries.

- Sam, I think...

- No... - she interrupts him again. - I wanted to be angry, to think that maybe she didn't trust me enough, but I know that's not it. - She looks at him again, wipes her face and smiles. - I know she wanted to spare me from having fear or trauma, from being too scared and I don't remember every time, the severity of each one or the time she disappeared, but I remember the phrase she always he said to me when he came home. I didn't understand it as much as I do now. She would arrive and when I asked her what had happened, she would sit next to me and say "It doesn't matter, the only thing that matters and that I want you to know is that no matter what happens, I will always, always come back for you." - Sam's tears fall, it hurt remembering that, but it was good to know that she kept her words. - I know that no one can promise that, I know that life is completely unpredictable, but she promised me, she said that she would always come back for me and she came back every time and I know that she will come back for me now, because besides having To fulfill this promise for me, it has to be fulfilled for three more people and that has to mean something. - the tears flow uncontrollably and that's when Jay gets up.

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