Chapter 51

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- What? Logan... - Sam takes a few minutes to think about what he asked.

- We're dating, we go to college together, we've spent several nights together, you live with your sister who is building her own family and I don't like my roommate, I think we should live together. - he says excited with the idea.

- Logan, tomorrow it will be two months since we dated. - Sam reminds him.

- Yes, that's why I wanted to bring you here. We can move and tomorrow we can celebrate our anniversary here. - he smiles, still excited about his idea, unlike Sam who wasn't excited about the idea at all.

- Baby... - she approaches him. - I love you, but it's still too early for that. - she says.

- I know it's early, but it's normal for couples like us to live together because of college, and look, here there are two bedrooms, we can invite a friend of ours to come and live here and it will be like living with friends and not as a couple. This way we will have our privacy and we can spend every night together.

- What's the difference between living separately if you want a roommate? - she asks.

- Well, firstly, it won't be my annoying ex-roommate, and that way you won't have to keep warning and bothering yourself every time you don't come home. Your sister will understand that you have a new house and will be less worried when you sleep away. - he says.

- It doesn't make any difference to me if you have a roommate. My apartment with my sister manages to be more private because she is almost never there.

- Exactly. Soon she will move in with Jay. His children even call her mom. You know, it's normal after going to college that we move away. I know you always wanted to stay and keep your sister company, but I think now that she has her own family, you can take that responsibility off your shoulders.

- It's not a responsibility, I like living with my sister. - Sam responds.

- I know baby. I'm just saying, what about when she moves in with Jay? You're not thinking about moving in with her, are you? - he questions. Sam doesn't say anything. She knew that one time or another they would have to talk about this, but she thought that this conversation would first be with Erin, not with Logan, much less in 2 months of dating.

- No...

- I know they like you, but come on. You are Erin's sister, not their daughter. They may try to act like your parents sometimes, but you're just Erin's sister. They will take care of the children and there will be rules in the house. I highly doubt you want to live in a house full of rules. You are already 21 and no matter how much freedom they give you, for the children you will have to deprive yourself of a lot. I know this because it was exactly the same for me. I had to stay at home taking care of Gavin, I couldn't even go out, it was hell. Trust me.

- I don't mind staying with the children. - Sam counters.

- Now that you live far away, but later you'll see what it's like to lose freedom and given how overprotective they are, they probably won't even let you leave without telling you or telling you what time you'll be back, they'll let you. You're already 21, it was acceptable when you were 17, but are you seriously going to want to be stuck in a house with lots of people when you can have your freedom? - Logan asks.

- It's not that. I never talked to Erin about her going to live at Jay's house, but Logan did. Still, I think it's too early for us to move in together. It's not about Erin or Jay and the kids. It's about us... you can see, Erin has been dating Jay for over a year and they don't live together.

- There's a big difference, Sam. Jay has two kids, Erin needs to be sure he wants to be a mother and Jay needs to be sure he wants to be with Erin forever. For both of us it's easier and we're already dating, we spent a few nights together and we studied at the same college, I think it's the perfect time. And you'll still be able to see your sister. It's normal, I don't see the whole problem you're seeing.

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