Chapter 35

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Erin never forgot her son, it was impossible, she remembered the smallest details, she never forgot her bright little eyes, her striking smile with the dimples that reminded herself. How he grabbed her thumb with his little hands or how he called her mom.

She left it safe and buried. No one ever knew about him, she would never tell him, she killed her son and this guilt, this remorse, she intended to take him to the coffin.

Jesse did not unlock his memories because he was a boy or because he had become attached to her, he unlocked his memory the day he cried and begged for her. When he held his thumb that night, she felt a shiver on her skin, but when she saw Jesse crying, screaming and begging for her all she saw was her son.

It took a long time for her to calm down, Jay could make her breathe again, but not for long and now he was grateful that he had asthma firecrackers at home.

He and Sam were shocked by the confession, Sam never knew anything. This was never mentioned and she wondered when this happened. An abortion went through their heads. Maybe she had a trauma with it, but the way she was devastated seemed to be a worse, much worse situation. Jay waited for her to calm down a little and decided to start talking to her.

- We're here. We're not going anywhere. - he says, he's holding one of her hand and Samantha the other. He knew, he felt it wasn't an abortion and went straight to the point. - How old? - he asks, his heart squeezing.

- Two. - she whispers, but it was so audible that it squeezed Sam and Jay's hearts. - He was 2 years old almost 3.

- A boy? - Jay tries to stay strong for her.

- Yes... - she can smile with her son's memory.

- What was his name? - Jay asked the questions, Sam seemed too shocked to say anything.

- Andrew. - she releases a hand wiping the tears that flowed, which didn't work. The others came right behind. Her nose was dripping, her face red and everything in it hurt.

- What happened? - He continues his questions. He knows there's more, much more. - Who was his father?

- He never had a father. - she says angrily, releasing her other hand. Not wanting the touch of either of them anymore. - That son of a bitch was a monster. - Jay has already seen this tone, this disgust stamped on her face when they were working on a case, he saw it the first day he met her. The pain in her eyes, the untold story, but now it seemed worse, it seemed worse than he could have imagined.

- How old were you? - Sam finally finds his voice. Your mind doing the math. She lived with her sister from birth to 2 years of age and after 9 to the present day. In other words, there was no way Sam wouldn't know if it wasn't in this single 7-year interval that they lived apart.

- 13... - it only got worse and worse.

- Erin, you went... - Jay starts.

- I know, Jay. - she says looking at the floor. - I work with it every day, I know exactly what it is. - she speaks and Jay is silent this time.

- What happened? - Sam decides to ask. Erin takes a deep breath, it would never, never be easy to remember the worst time of her life without crying and she has never told this story to anyone before. Only those who went through this at that time knew, but it was never a subject she talked about again.

- The woman who gave me life was the same one who destroyed her. - She starts, angry in her tone. Of this Sam knew, but she didn't know anything more than what was to come and Erin didn't even want her sister to know, but she knew that Samantha wouldn't leave her side anytime soon and they were the two people she trusted the most in her life. She needed to tell the truth, no matter how bad and difficult it was. - At the age of 12, I was a bargaining chip for my mother and her traffickers.

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