Chapter 2

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In silence, from every corner, FBI cars begin to gather around the warehouse. The headlights, some dimmed and others turned off to avoid drawing attention, advance as quietly as possible. This ambush has to succeed. Patrol cars have blocked the streets to prevent any civilians from passing by and getting hurt.

As they arrive, they prepare silently. Weapons in hand, agents group outside while others position themselves by the door, waiting for Commander Miller's signal to enter. Once authorized, they storm the warehouse silently, like lions watching their prey moments before attacking. The warehouse is enormous, and they want to be as close as possible before making their move. Once they reach their positions, everything begins, and silence is no longer necessary or possible.

"FBI, HANDS UP AND LIE DOWN ON THE FLOOR!" agents shout from every corner. Amid shouts and chaos, some try to grab their weapons and are shot, while others surrender and lie down. Men run, knowing they will be caught, as they are outnumbered: seven criminals against sixteen police officers. Still, they fight for one last chance at freedom.

Soon, everyone is subdued, and as planned, they split into groups. Five agents go in and spot the seven criminals on the first floor. Another four agents head down to the basement, while the majority go to the second floor. Upon arrival, two agents are shot, and the gunfire erupts. They knew the Los Diablos Mafia wouldn't fall without a fight. However, the criminals' weapons are ineffective, and they were not prepared for a night attack. They were caught off guard.

As a result, all the criminals, including Hernandez Diaz, better known as "El Padre," are apprehended.

"Hija de puta. Te mataré y destruiré tu vida y la de tu familia. Perra." Diaz curses in his language as SSA Davis takes him down with a shot to the leg. She approaches, takes his gun, and handcuffs him. " Yo conozco perras como vos, solo necesitan de alguien para poner en sus lugares. Cuando yo salga, te mostraré cómo debe ser tratada. Me encanta joder el culo de la policía."

(Filth! I'll kill you and destroy your life and your family's. Bitch! I know bitches like you; they just need someone to put them in their place. When I get out, I'll show you how you should be treated. I love fucking with the police.)

"Te gusta abusar y torturar a los niños, verdad?" Creo que debes saber cómo se trata a las personas como tú en la cárcel. Espero que disfrutes del placer cuando tu culo sea jodido por tu compañero de celda. Preferirás la muerte a estar atrapado." Erin replies in Spanish, with a mocking smile on her face as she talks to Hernandez. "Pero solo para dejarte claro, te condenarán en suelo americano y tu abogado de libertad condicional aún no ha nacido." Lindsay says loudly enough for everyone to hear.

("You like to abuse and torture children, don't you? You should know how people like you are treated in prison. I hope you enjoy the pleasure when your cellmate fuck your ass... You'll prefer death to being locked up" Erin says, with a mocking smile on her face as she talks to Hernandez. "Oh, and just to be clear... you'll be convicted on U.S. soil and your probation lawyer wasn't even born yet.")

Jay could say he had never met anyone like her, despite having worked with many competent women in his field. Lindsay was different; she had something more, and he was intrigued to discover what it was. She fascinated him.

"Bitch. You're dead," he spits on Lindsay's foot, completely enraged by her words. "You—" He doesn't get the chance to finish the sentence as she quickly punches him, knocking him to the ground.

"Cállate antes de que yo te calle." Jay says, stepping closer and pressing on Díaz's wound just enough to make him scream. He knew that Special Agent Lindsay Davis was more than capable of handling this man, but she still needed her moment with this scum. Finally, Díaz falls silent.

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