Chapter 46: If/then

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Erin walks slowly behind her husband. He was on the porch of the house, it was late at night and she woke up when she noticed that he was no longer next to her.

- Did you run away? - She approaches him and hugs him.

- I just couldn't sleep. - he says.

- What is on your mind? - she asks and he turns to face her.

- From when we first met. - he begins.

- Why are you thinking about the best day of my life? - She smiles softly.

- Because it was the best day of mine too. - he says kissing her forehead. - Can you believe we would have this life? - he asks.

- Not in my best dreams. - she says. - Thank you for being by my side.

- There is no other place I would rather be. - He leans in, locking his lips with hers.

They met 15 years ago.

Jay had run away from his father's house, he was only 17 years old and had never done it before because he was afraid it would be worse on the street – which was difficult. But Jay couldn't take it anymore, he couldn't stand living in that house and he'd rather live on the street than continue living that life.

He had thought about what to do now that he had no roof, he had absolutely nothing. Until he was found and approached by Hank Voight.

The man took him to eat something and talk and upon discovering that Jay was only 17 years old and had run away from home, the man offered him shelter for a few nights until he found a shelter that would accept him. Hank's wife, Camille said that Jay wouldn't have a good future in a shelter and they had lost a son his age and for some reason, they decided to help the 17 year old boy.

Jay has never been so grateful to anyone. They became his family, they didn't have to do anything for him, but they welcomed him. Hank offered him to work at the district as a computer technician, Jay accepted but soon left them to enlist.

When he came back, Jay was already a man, he was responsible for himself and could organize his life after everything that happened. Little did he imagine that his future would only improve since the day he left his home.

Camille was so happy to welcome him back that she prepared a special dinner for him. The dinner at which he met his wife, the mother of his children and 2 of his children.

Jay was 21 years old, and when he entered the house he had lived in for almost a year, he was introduced to Erin Lindsay, 20. Her sister Samantha, 9, and her son, Andrew, 7. They were attracted to each other instantly. Hank explained that Erin was his daughter that he didn't know and that she lived in NY but had recently moved to Chicago.

The next day Camille offered to watch the kids so the two could go out and get to know each other, she set up dinner with Erin there because she knew they would get along and they really did. They got along so well that they had sex on the first date and Erin ended up getting pregnant.

It wasn't what she needed right now. She had just come out of a trauma, with a son who was the result of abuse, with a sister who had recently been taken in. She didn't need another baby, but Jay was different, Jay supported her, cared for her and was willing to be a father, not only to the new baby, but to Sam and Andrew.

After Erin gave birth to Maya, they moved into an apartment together. Sam shared a room with Andrew and their baby slept in the couple's room. Erin and Jay knew it wasn't right, they were young and already had 3 children. His jobs, besides being risky, were not enough to pay for the children, at least not enough for a family of five. That in less than 3 years of knowing each other, they became a family of 6 when Jesse was born. And while the boy was in the safety of Erin's belly, Jay had a vasectomy, they couldn't continue having more children than they could accommodate in their home.

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