Chapter 21

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Erin's flight finally landed. It was already past 12am, she was tired, not from the flight itself, but sleepy.

Erin left her car with Samantha, but preferred to order an Uber to the airport. Sam knew how to drive, but she didn't want her sister to drive late at night and alone. Sam was happy to be able to use the car, Erin hadn't bought one for herself yet, but Sam never complained. Erin had been saving up to be able to buy what Sam wanted for a while now, so she would just have to wait.

Lindsay arrived at O'Hare airport, she didn't want Jay to leave the hotel at almost three in the morning to pick her up, but he insisted and she ended up giving in. As soon as she arrived she saw him parked in a black car, probably made available by the FBI. She would even pay attention to the car, she always did, but he was standing in the passenger door, legs and arms crossed, wearing a sweatshirt set, it wasn't jeans, it wasn't a suit, it was an all-black sweatshirt set and it all overshadowed him. the rest because he looked so sexy standing in that car. She was sure that if he didn't pass his tests for the army or the police, whatever, he could very well be hired to be a model. She would take a photo of him now in that position and she was sure he would easily be on the cover of a magazine.

When he sees her he changes position and becomes more erect, he is serious, as always, when she approaches he might get a smile, but while she doesn't arrive he seems even hotter, with those crossed arms and penetrating gaze. He is a handsome, sexy and serious man. If he was on the cover of some magazine and FBI agents appeared so easily in newspapers she was sure he would have fans. Imagine seeing a man like Jay Halstead on a magazine cover and finding out he's an FBI agent? Not only as an agent, but as an ASAC, it wasn't the biggest of positions, but it meant that he was still in power and also that in addition to suits that made him look even hotter, he wore tactical equipment, those black clothes that tied perfectly to his chest. his body.

On this long way to reach Jay, she is wondering how she managed to see him in a suit, tactical gear, jeans and Henley, sweatshirt and he looked hot and sexy in all of them and until now she hasn't seen him naked. It was everything she wanted. She felt the grip he had, the kisses they made, the way he held her, she needed much more than all these options she had ever seen him with, she needed the option in which at most everything he used was a condom, she waits for this thought to materialize in the hotel room and she does not feel any guilt about these thoughts. That was her boyfriend and she could have her dirty thoughts and she would probably share them with him later.

Jay wasn't far from her thoughts. Maybe it was the need to have each other that left their minds impure or the fact that they were clearly attracted to each other, that they wanted to rip each other's clothes off, and so far they couldn't find time alone. He'd also seen her in a suit and a dress and she was beautiful both ways, but now with those jeans and white knit sweatshirt with a turtleneck, she still looked sexy. He thought maybe she looked sexy anyway, he hoped he could see her with just his shirt and nothing else, it would be even sexier.

- Hi... - she says as soon as she approaches. He moves away from the car and walks towards her and as she imagined, he smiles at her.

- Hi... - he approaches, greeting her with a peck. - How was the flight? - He asks as they head to the car.

- It was good, no turbulence and it wasn't that crowded, so no problems, however I couldn't sleep. - she says opening the back door and putting her small suitcase in. She didn't need much, she wouldn't even stay three days.

- Well, the room Ava booked has a perfect and comfortable bed, I think you'll like it. - he says opening the passenger door for her.

As soon as he gets in the driver's side they continue their conversation.

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