Chapter 56

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This was the first time that Erin would pick up the children from school alone. It wasn't very common for her to be with the kids alone, so she was excited to pick them up from school and have that time with them. She was anxious about how the children would react. She was so happy, after talking to Jay and the kids about her son, she felt a sense of ease in acting like a mother to the kids, because for her, now that Andrew was known to everyone, she felt like her son wasn't being excluded. or forgotten, even if it never stopped hurting, it felt so much better now.

Thinking about her son was always very painful, because when she was found, the police questioned her nonstop, they asked and made her remember and repeat the scene, repeat how she lost her son. The doctors asked, the psychologist asked. It took a long time for her to stop blaming herself 100%. Because she didn't stop asking herself, every day, since the day she woke up with her son rigid in her arms, lifeless. What if she hadn't run away with her son from the hospital? What if she had gone to live on the street with her son? What if she had let him be adopted? What if, what if, what if? That was all she thought.

The psychologist helped her, Olivia helped her and time helped her. Maybe if she didn't think, she didn't speak, then she wouldn't feel the pain, the guilt, the grief. It wasn't easy, but it helped, it helped to hide your deepest pains deep within your soul.

His memory was very strong for her because at that time, when she thought that she would not survive, that she would have nothing, he was her everything. He was her life, her reason for fighting to have a better life.

So when Maya simply says that he was lucky to have had her as a mother, she felt that she was lucky to have had Andrew as a son and now she was getting the chance to be a mother to two more children who were so special that they chose this and she would honor that. For them, for her and for her son.

Erin was excited to spend a whole day with the two of them. She was grateful to Jay for everything he did for her, for how he always supported her and most importantly, for letting her be part of the children's lives in such a short time in such a meaningful way.

For her, the other good and important part was Sam, she was extremely happy, she was part of everything and didn't move away, she loved that her sister was part of the family nights, the dinners, the movie nights, that she agreed to sleep at Jay's house and even happier that she didn't feel left out, that thanks to Jay and the kids, they made Samantha comfortable in his house. It was like her being in her house and that was how everyone felt, whether it was Jay's house with Sam and Erin feeling at home or Lindsay's apartment where Jay and the kids felt at home and that was good because when you It feels like this, when you feel comfortable, you're not in someone else's house, you're already at home with your family and having that feeling was really good.

Erin looked in the rearview mirror and saw Jay still standing in the same spot and then she turned her attention to the street in front of her. But then... It all happened so fast, she didn't see anything. Her mind was on the children and suddenly she lost control, her car was flying. She was about to hit her head on the steering wheel when the airbag activated and she collided with it, the force pushing her back, but the truck that hit the passenger side, threw Erin against the car door and that's when she hit the car. head in the window. It was so strong that it caused her to lose consciousness as the car slid down the avenue.

Erin saw nothing, heard nothing.

When she woke up, it was just darkness to her. Then suddenly she saw a very strong light, very bright, so bright that she lowered her head and closed her eyes. She didn't remember anything and wasn't understanding where she was and what a fucking bright light that was. She tried to open her eyes, but it was so strong that she couldn't look. She stayed like that, quiet and with her eyes closed waiting for all this light to subside, but it seemed like that wasn't going to happen anytime soon. She didn't understand where she was coming from.

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