Chapter 25

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They break apart panting. A few hours ago Jay shared a very difficult moment in his life with her and they said they loved each other. Even though they had only been together for a short time, they couldn't control their feelings and it felt right.

Jay took her to the bedroom and they loved each other, it was much more than just sex. Jay was mentally tired from reliving that whole moment, but Erin, she had something that made him want to share his darkest secrets with her, want to share his happiest moments with her, want her to be a part of his life from now on and she seemed to want the same and that was something neither of them had ever felt. It was scary to think that they could love someone after everything they had been through.

The first round, which was loving each other's bodies and getting to know each other, changed completely when Erin was standing at the glass window looking at the city and Jay was at the counter pouring two glasses of drinks. Erin was mesmerized by the view of the hotel, but looked away at Jay who was only in his underwear, she would never get tired of his body.

- You know... - she begins when she sees him approaching.

- What it was? - He looks at her, handing her the glass.

- We have less than 24 hours here... - She takes a sip of her drink and walks away only to place their glass on the table in the corner. He smiles, already knowing what she wanted. - I think we should make the most of it... - her low, hoarse voice and naughty smile made him smile and pull her towards him, pressing their lips together.

This was the first time she let herself be guided by something, after everything she had been through, she always let the man guide the relationship, but since the last times with him, she saw how affectionate he was with her and cared for her. She loved this, this care, this intention of letting her also feel pleasure and that was why she felt ready to show him how she liked it too, what excited her and what she wanted him to do, without fear. .

Jay pulled her and took off his dress shirt that she had on, but when he started to guide her back to the bed she stopped him.

- No... - she stops him and he walks away, looking at her confused. - I want you to fuck me against this window. - she says and jumps into his lap.

Jay smiles and doesn't think twice before walking with her and pressing her against the window. The way she said it just made him hard. And he knew she didn't want foreplay. She clung to him and let him guide the rest. The way she kissed him and moaned had to be enough for him to understand.

Jay didn't take long to lower his box and massage her cock, getting harder and harder ready for her. Erin was taking this moment to kiss his shoulders and leave light bites as he let go of his cock and moved his hand to her panties. She moaned just feeling him caressing her pussy. He smiles feeling the wetness of her panties.

- Jay... - she moans as he teases her. She wiggles as soon as he pulls her panties to the side and sticks his fingers inside her. He doesn't take long, and he rubs his thumb over her clit and she squirms on top of him.

- What do you want? - he asks, still caressing her clitoris.

- You...

- Me what? - he provokes.

- I want your dick inside me. - she says and he uses her moisture to lubricate his member, mixing it with the pre-semen and it doesn't take long to penetrate her. He doesn't wait, he enters and exits quickly, slowly lowering his hands to her thighs to hold on while he penetrates her slowly. He wants to tease her, he wants to push her to the limit, but he wants her to beg for it.

- Faster. - she asks, trying to move. It was a new position for her, but she was excited and Jay was strong, she knew he could go faster and he does, but it slows down and she knows what he is doing. - Jay... please. - he smiles kissing and sucking her neck. Her body pressed against the window, they were in a high room, the lights were off, but people from another building might have a view of the two of them, but at the moment they weren't thinking about that. Jay pushes her away just enough for his arm to wrap around her waist so he can move more easily.

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