Chapter 5

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Jay had to leave without knowing Erin's whereabouts, and when he arrived to pick up the children, all of his time and attention went to the two of them. He was trying his best to make up for his absence during the case. He was still present, but when the case started to go to the final stretch he spent more time at work and only arrived when the two were already asleep. The holidays were coming up, so the man thought he could make it up to the kids a little bit more.

Jay was grateful as apparently the kids understood, not always, but they didn't ask for much in that time, strong with pillows, chairs and sheets, pancakes on Saturdays and going to the park seemed to be enough if it meant the kids would have their dad by their side .

Jay as usual, did the evening routine with the kids. Which was some quality time together, not quantity as sometimes it was too late, but enough for both of them to know their dad would be there.

Jay played, watched movies or invented something, then they went to brush their teeth and since Jesse was the youngest, they read in Maya's room. One story per child was the rule, with exceptions, when it was too late just one, their favourite, Goodnight, Moon. When they had more time the children could choose more than one or ask him to read it again. Once the stories were finally told, Jesse who was usually already asleep was taken to his room and Jay began his routine, cleaning up the day's mess and getting most things ready for the next day.



Jay was also looking forward to this day, in fact he was looking forward to knowing when exactly Erin would start as he was in the dark but still had a few things to do before he went to work.

- Oh Daddy! - Maya whimpers when her father pulls her hair a little too hard while combing it.

- I'm sorry dear. - He kisses her temple and opts for a simple ponytail. - Detective!! Let's go!! - Jay screams his son.

- Shall we save the world daddy? -he appears with his dog on his arm.

- Of course we will go. -he says pulling his son down the stairs into his arms.

- YAY!! - He says in his father's arm laughing and Maya wants it too.

- Look who's not too big for daddy's arms. - He says and takes it. - Ugh, but I think this little fairy here is already too big. - He settles his daughter in his arms.

- You are strong daddy. says Jesse.

- For you I am. - He jumps with the children making them laugh, the two children too young to understand the depth of those words.

In a confusing way that literally took work he managed to get the two backpacks, plus the lunch boxes, including his briefcase, the keys and lock the house. He couldn't do much more, so he walked to his car.

- Daddy, I'm too big for this chair. I'm going to do 8!! - complains the girl.

- I know you do, but you're still going to use the car seat. - He explains while holding Jesse in his.

- Why? My friends don't wear this one anymore, theirs is small not big like mine and Maggie doesn't even wear one. - She says refusing to put on the belt.

Jesse is quietly watching his angry sister. They were complete opposites, the little boy was a quiet, reserved child of few words. Maya was too independent for her 7 years old, she was stubborn and full of energy, she didn't accept a no without first knowing the reason, she liked to argue and to have things explained to her as they would explain to an adult, she was a mini lawyer.

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