Chapter 7

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Since they were interrupted by Mendez earlier, both have entered work mode. Rogers' case was not so big, but Jay had some contacts that undoubtedly helped them a lot. As soon as he had everything under control in Rogers' case, he went to Lindsay's office, it was empty, so he knew she was with the team and he was happy, because in addition to being able to see her in action he would not need excuses to see her, it was work.

Approaching her team's bullpen, he smiles when he sees her in the center of the room passing information. She was very concentrated and he knows it seems silly to say that, because all police officers were concentrated when they had to talk about a case, but it was different, the way she seemed to get personally involved in it. He didn't know how to explain it properly, but he felt that she was more dedicated and he knew he had a story behind it.

While watching her, he remembers that she is popular among agents, that she is from Chicago and remembers that he forgot to ask if she also had children, so he wanted to meet her. When he hired her he didn't go much deeper into her contract, he just read a few things, he was from CTD since 2018 and didn't have many highlights, so he didn't go deeper, apparently his boss didn't want her to have prestige and Jay decided he would know the rest of her mouth and he knows he promised to be a professional, but he goes to this bar with the team today, but depending on how things flow, he will undoubtedly consider calling her for a particular drink.

- Halstead... - Lindsay calls him and he turns his attention to her who was in front of him and not in the center of the room.

- Hi... how's your case going? - ask.

- It's not mine, it's Gerwitz's, my team was helping him before I arrived and they were updating me.

- The girls who swallowed balloons with drugs? - asks.

- That's the one. - nod.

- Well, if you need anything, just let me know. - He says knowing that there's not much for him to do.

- In fact, I was kind of dismissed, Greg has everything in hand and my agents are with them, I thought I'd look at the paperwork, I saw some cases filed...

- Oh yes, well, the filed cases are opened when we run out of recent cases, which unfortunately is not as often as I would like. - she nods. - But if you finish the girls' one you can open a filed one. Besides, I prefer your complete team when they go to the streets. - he warns.

- I'm already careful of it, I sent them a message and I'm just waiting for the return. - he says.

- Great, in the meantime, I'll stay with your team and you can borrow the agents of the other teams. - explains.

- Agreed.


The late afternoon was approaching, Jay was in his office finishing some files still about the case of Lós Diablos when he hears his name at the door, a smile fills his face when he sees who is calling him.

- Excuse me... - says Erin hitting the stop with the bone of her middle finger.

- All. - the man straightens up in the chair and for what he was doing as he watches her approach, with his hand he asks her to sit down.

- As I was not with Greg's case, I was evaluating some paperwork, but also being able to make the report of two agents that I would like to have on my team. - informs as soon as he sits down. After finishing saying, the woman extends a briefcase to her boss.

Jay nods at what she says and picks up the folder. Both in silence while Jay flips through.

- Kimberly Burgess and Kevin Atwater... - the man says the names of the agents out loud. - Great, I'm already going to ask Ava to call them and ask them to come tomorrow and... - Jay is interrupted by his cell phone ringing. - I'm sorry... - he says picking up the cell phone and seeing who's calling. - Yeah... sorry, it's about the kids, I need to answer... - he says and answers while Erin nods.

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