Chapter 38

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The trip was very good, but very short. They managed to enjoy it even though it was only a three-day trip, but it was an excellent trip on the whole. The children loved it, it was good to have this moment between them. They were already getting used to it and making more plans for the future.

Even though they had the public relationship, Jay and Erin still went on without having a place just for them, this becoming Jay's office when they were insatiable.

There was something about being not at all professional and totally risky that made me even more horny, they have already explored each other on Jay's table, in the chair and just didn't fuck Jay pressing her against the glass window from the ceiling to the floor of her office as they wanted, because no matter how much it was on a high floor, there was a building in front where people could watch the strenuous activities of the two and besides not wanting to be a voyeur couple, they also did not want to be fired.

- I don't think I've ever liked a couch so much. - Jay says as soon as they finish a very important part of their meeting. The most important.

- The best piece of furniture in your office. - Erin says getting it right.

- Hm, actually, even if it's soft, but firm... - Jay smiles maliciously at her. - You leaned at my table is priceless. So, the table is the best. - he says getting up.

- The table hurts me a little. The sofa is comfortable.

- Why didn't you say it hurt you? - Jay turns to her worried.

- I think the table hurts me is the last thing that goes through my head when you are inside me Jay. - She shakes her eyebrow to him and goes to the bathroom to fix herself.

The conversation about their intimate moment ended as soon as she left the bathroom and they started talking about the children.

- Oh, and next week they go back to school. They want to know if you and Sam are going to the special day again.

- Of course, Sam is already excited. - Erin smiles. - How do you feel about Jesse going to his official first year? - she asks. He left kindergarten and was going to the first year.

- I'm not prepared. I wasn't with Maya and people always say it's like that, but in fact I disagree, I'm terrified again, Jesse has always been cozy... - he says and she nods, since he met him he's really a child who likes coziness.

- He will still be. - She tries to comfort him.

- No, you won't, older children are pests. - He laughs from her. - I swear, I don't know what they do, I think brainwashing. They come back too independent, saying they can do everything by themselves. I'm going to lose my two children to the children's monster phase. And I don't need Jesse more imperative than he already is.

Jesse could be a more affectionate boy, but he was also the definition of younger brother or second child. He didn't stop quietly, he loved to test the limits, unlike Maya, who liked affection, but at her time, she kept her feelings and was usually very calm and in hers.

- Yes, it's bizarre. - she laughs and takes his hand. - But those two? - she shakes her head for that. - They are daddy's biggest bags, you still have time before it's replaced by little friends and it's boring. - she jokes and he makes a face. - But you'll still have me. I can distract you from the fact that your children are changing you. - she provokes.

- I think I can settle for that. - He pulls her to him and kisses his chin.

- Uhum... - Erin smiles at him but walks away. - Come on, her children said they are eager to get to know my apartment. - She tries to get out of his arms, but he holds her.

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