Chapter 15

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Halstead's week was busy, he barely had time to think about the date with Lindsay, which was good, so he wasn't anxious and even though it was now Friday morning he wanted something to distract him until the evening.

He already had an idea of ​​what to do and the fact that his children were still sleeping made him think about everything he wanted for their night.


For Lindsay it was different. The whole week she was torturous, waiting for this meeting. She had calm cases that left plenty of time for her to think a thousand things.

Should I really go? Am I making the right decision? What will we talk about? Shall we have sex on the first date? What will we be? Is it just casual sex? Friends with benefits? Does he want something more from me? Can I give this to him? Do I want something more from him? What should I wear?

She kept asking herself. There were days when she was confident and determined, ready to risk everything, especially when she remembered the kisses, the grip, the touch and all the desire, attraction and admiration she had for him. In the other she thought it was crazy, that she was making a mistake and that they were making the wrong decision, mainly because she was afraid of what it meant. It meant having to open up, trust, create expectations, have something more serious. She was scared too.

Friday was a good day, even though she started arguing with her sister, it was good, because that way she could distract her mind for a while.

- When that happens, you have to let me know. - She says standing at the door of Sam's room.

- It's no big deal. You know I know how to take care of myself. - Samantha says, arranging her clothes.

- I know, Sam. I trust you, but I don't like receiving a notice at seven in the morning informing me that you are going away. - She complains. - You know I can stop you from going. Right? - She says looking at the things on Sam's bed.

- You can't, I'm older and you're not my mother. - She turns to her older sister.

- No, I'm not. - She tries to pretend it didn't hurt, she knows she's not her mother, but she takes care of her sister as if she were and even though she never wanted to have been Sam's mother, she always wanted the girl to see her as a person she loved. she could trust and who knows that she will always be there taking care of her.

- Lin... - She starts but is interrupted.

- No, I'm not. - And instead of fighting, Lindsay decides to end the argument. - I know I'm not, but that doesn't mean you can go around like you don't have someone who will care about you. Because I will, I'm your sister and I've taken care of you since I can remember, even before I left. I may not have been careful during this break, but now I don't plan on going anywhere, I don't want to go anywhere and I don't want you to go either. -She says and when she was about to continue Samantha throws herself into her arms. Hugging her as tightly as she can.

- I love you, more than anything. I'm sorry. - she says regretfully and has tears in her eyes and Lindsay wraps her in her arms.

- Everything is fine. - They walk away and the older Davis wipes the younger Davis' tears. - I didn't say you couldn't go, but I just wanted you to know that I wanted to know in advance, not 3 minutes before. - She explains. - I want to know more, I want to know who's going, what you're going to do, how you're doing and all that and that's not trying to control you because I trust you. This is just taking care of yourself.

- I know. - Sam smiles. - I'm sorry to warn you at short notice. When I said I was no longer in summer classes, they invited me to come. It was just because of that. -she explains.

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