Chapter 53

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It was like a movie, the worst movie ever. It all happened so fast, Jay put the cell phone to his ear and he didn't even know who was calling, he didn't know what the person had said and even though someone might have said something, he didn't even care, he couldn't , because all you can see is the scene in front of you.

He can't even reason, he doesn't see anything around him, all he can perceive and think at that moment is that his girlfriend's car is running. He drops the cell phone on the floor, because his body couldn't hold anything, filter anything. The noise was loud, the collision was strong, but he can't do anything the second he hears the bang, the crash was strong and then the car flips and spins, three times.

The second the car stops, it's not like he has any reason or any control over what was happening, he just runs, it was instantaneous, it was his body reacting to the entire situation that was happening in front of him. The love of his life was in the car that was spinning, the woman who changed his life in such a short time was inside that car.

It wasn't a long distance, but he arrived in seconds in his girlfriend's car. She was already going home, her day was already over, she was going to go out with the children, surprise them at school. She had plans for the rest of the day, but now she's upside down, blood on her face and unconscious.

- Erin... babe. - Jay was the first to arrive, people were already stopping their cars and going down to help and ask for help. People from nearby buildings left as soon as they heard the noise and FBI agents were already cordoning off the area.

It all happened very quickly, but it seemed like it was happening in slow motion, because it wasn't possible that this was happening and every thousandth of time counted. Every second was important and every minute was desperate.

Someone who was not possible and easy to identify called 911, firefighters, police and paramedics were within minutes filling the streets with their loud noises. Firefighters and some police officers began to block the streets and keep onlookers away. The paramedics and other firefighters rushed to the car, Jay not even realizing or letting his mind focus on the fact that the truck that hit Erin ran away.

Nobody knew what the situation was yet, what had happened, nothing, but they were there and were giving priority to helping the victims.

Firefighters and paramedics rushed in and already left some equipment on the ground, ready to help and see what they could do to help Davis.

- She has a pulse, weak, but I can feel it. - It was Jay who said, his hands were covered in blood, he didn't move his girlfriend no matter how much he wanted to, but he knew he wasn't prepared for it and didn't want to make the situation worse.

- Go away. - a paramedic says and he doesn't obey. - Sir...

- I'll stay, I'll stay here with her. -he says and there is nothing to stop Jay's tears from running down his face. He's terrified, he doesn't even know how he's still able to talk, he can't be going through this.

- Sir, we need to help her and you are getting in the way. - the woman repeats and the other quickly takes Jay off and begins to evaluate the woman who is hanging upside down. She feels the pulse. - We have a pulse. - she starts doing all the necessary procedures to remove it. - I need a neck brace. -she starts shouting everything she needs to her partner who quickly transfers the necessary objects to her to care for Lindsay.

Jay watched as the paramedics provided first aid to Erin so she could be safely removed from the car by firefighters. Nobody wants to risk her life.

- Gasoline is leaking. - a firefighter warns the others and the paramedics. - We need to get her out of there as quickly as possible. - says the man.

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