Chapter 30

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- Take a break? - he asks her. Jay didn't think Lindsay would be on the same page as him, but he didn't expect it either.

- Tell them everything? - she doesn't answer it and asks her own question, because as much as she felt that this was not the course of the conversation, she also did not imagine that her boyfriend, after yesterday's scene, would want to reveal everything to the children. No chance.

- Erin, do you want to take a break from us? - he asks. Normally, Jay always lets her go first, but this time he went, he was confused and really didn't know where she wanted to go with it. He wanted to ask and be sure what she was talking about so as not to let her mind go to negative thoughts.

- What? No... no... - their hand that was intertwined ended up letting go due to their last words, but when she saw that he thought she wanted to finish things she soon made a point of uniting them again. - No, Jay... I love you. And I love your children, I never lied about how amazing you are. That's what I really think. - She looks at her hands together and intertwines them again. - I think we should take a break between me and the children. I think I show up when you're not or show up often isn't doing them much good...

- And not even you... - he says and stares at her, but when she realizes what he's trying to do she looks away. - I know it wasn't just for Jesse and what happened yesterday. I know there's more behind it. You can trust me, you can tell me, babe. - she knows you can trust him, but not that.

- I know. - as much as she doesn't want to, her eyes fill with water. - Sam... - she interrupts herself. Your eyes are even fuller.

- I know you and Sam went through a lot, I don't know exactly what it was and I don't need to know if you don't want to tell me and I'll be here in case you want to. But I want you to know that you can trust me for whatever you need. - He shakes your hands together. - I want to tell them, because I've already realized how much they like you and want you around. Maybe this way it will be easier for Jesse to understand that you will always come back and that they also understand that you are part of our lives now.

- Still, we'd better move away. I don't think that having dinner at your house often or being alone with them is the moment yet, we've only been together for 6 months. - she was right. Jay fell in love so fast that he didn't realize he was going fast too. He never dated seriously after his children, so he didn't know when it was the right or wrong time to tell his children, but he wanted to tell him because in his head, it would only make sense not to tell if the children didn't know her, but the two already lived with her.

- All right. Whatever you want. - Jay answers. He didn't agree not to tell, but he agreed that maybe moving away a little would prevent Jesse from crying that way for her again, even if Jay knows that it wouldn't stop his children from continuing to ask about her. However, he would not insist, if it was what she wanted, it was what they would do. He needed to think about her and her children.

- Jay... - she notices how he doesn't seem happy with her decision. - I don't want you to be angry with me.

- I'm not angry with you. - He responds quickly. - It's your decision Erin and I respect her. - He smiles at her. - And you're right, we've been together for 6 months, the children are my priorities, I need to think about them. - He says thinking that if she doesn't want to, he won't force or insist on a relationship just for his children to get hurt later. - We can take it easy and see how we fit things together. - he smiles gently at her and she nods.

- About Monday...

- It's okay, I can say you had to go to work earlier...

- Actually, I wanted to go. I promised them and Sam too. And then we can reduce the visits. Can it be?

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