Chapter 29

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After they left Jay's house, Erin didn't want to comment on anything to her sister that involved Jesse, not even when Samantha began to say how strange the five-year-old boy's outbreak was. Lindsay turned off, her mind was a thousand, her heart in pieces and she was holding the crying from the moment she saw that look, that crying and that scream begging for her.

As soon as they got home Davis ran to the bathroom of her room turned on the shower to muffle the sound and let all the tears she held from Jay's house fall. She cried and screamed, her heart and her whole body hurt, images coming to her head. She doesn't know how long she stayed there, she just knows that there wasn't much hot water when she decided to wet her body. She was exhausted. She got out of the shower and lay down on her bed. It was difficult to sleep flashbacks on her head made her stay awake most of the night, but with her headache and tiredness she ended up falling asleep. Just to wake up shortly after a nightmare.

If Sam didn't hear her in the bathroom, this time in the room it was impossible not to hear her. Sam woke up to his sister's noises and ran to her room. Erin was sweaty, heart racing, crying and desperate. It had been many years since she had nightmares like that, she didn't even really remember the last time, she had a racing heart, seeing Jesse like that triggered her traumas and shattered her.


At Halstead's house the situation was no different. Jay couldn't calm his son down. When Erin left with the boy asking and begging for her, it wasn't even half of what he went through afterwards. Jesse was inconsolable and screamed for Erin. He was only able to sleep because he got tired.

Jay didn't know what to do, he always dealt with these moments of his children, they were always bad, but Maya's were actually worse because of his asthma, seeing his son losing his air and stopping breathing from crying so much scared him. Maya was scared, and it was difficult for Jay to deal with the girl while her brother didn't stop, but she was a great companion because she stayed with her father without asking too much from him. Until he asked if she could lie down, he would put her to sleep soon.

Jesse has always been very affectionate and sticky since he was a baby. Jay was impressed when he was only 4 months old and easily got attached to someone he didn't know yet. Jay has already told Lindsay several times how easily they connected. Jay has even heard from the pediatrician that it was probably because the boy felt safe and received attention and affection that perhaps he did not receive from his mother.

Jay hesitated to tell about his relationship to the children, out of fear, he admits, but he will also not deny that another part of him loved how his children quickly clung to someone he loved, but seeing his son becoming dependent on someone he had known for such a short time was not even close to what Jay imagined.

Jay stopped a little to breathe at his bedroom door, as soon as he left his son lying on his bed. He needed to clear his mind to go to his daughter's room.

- Hey fairy... - Jay smiles at his daughter. - How are you?

- How is Jesse? - She doesn't answer her father's question.

- He'll be fine. - He caresses her hair.

- Daddy...

- Yes.

- I don't like nightmares.

- I know not, my love.

- Why do Jesse and I have it? - she asks.

- Things happen that we can't always explain. And we have to move on because one day it will pass. - he says.

- Do you promise? - she asks.

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