Chapter 18

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Jay's morning erections were nothing new to him, to almost any man in fact, but this time, he's pretty sure just the thought of Lindsay made him even more sore. Jay puts his hand inside his boxer shorts and squeezes his aching member. He needed to piss and it wasn't helping. He thinks of everything to ease the pressure, but then the memories of the night before come flooding back and he only manages to get even harder.

He looks at the time and decides that he shouldn't, his children could wake up at any moment and so he gets up.

After Jay leaves the bathroom he hears a noise coming from the end of the hall, one or both of them were awake and he smiles, he knew the routines.

- Hey... What happened? - He enters Jesse's room.

- I don't think Chase, but I accidentally knocked over my lamp, I'm sorry. - He says looking at his father.

- All good. - Jay reassures him. - I think you left it downstairs. Let's go take a look. - As soon as they walk he notices Maya awake. And then they all go down together.

- Good morning, babanne. - the children say to the older woman.

- Good morning children, how did you sleep? - She asks and smiles at Jay in silent greeting, he nods and smiles at her.

- There friend. - Jay points to the stuffed dog.

- I slept well after Lindsay calmed me down. - She says and sits at the counter. - And you? - She asks the woman.

- I slept very well, thank you. - She says and puts milk and chocolate milk for the girl with stuffed buns. Jesse takes his toy and joins them in getting it.

- And you, daddy? - She asks.

- I slept perfectly well. - He remembers his now girlfriend. - And you, Jesse? - Jay asks, so everyone knows how the other slept.

- Very good dad, but I'm glad I woke up because we're going out with Lindsay. - He drinks his milk.

- What? - He chokes on the coffee he just poured.

- Is Lindsay going to come here? - Maya asks excitedly.

- She promised she would go to the park with us. - He reminds me of his father. Jay had forgotten about this and in fact he's not even sure if Lindsay said yes to today exactly. Maybe later on.

- Yes, friend, but not today...

- Yes daddy, today! - Jesse drops his coffee a little irritated and if Jay hadn't had to control his emotions in case his son started being stubborn, he would have laughed with his adult air.

- She said yes, friend, but we're not sure if she can today. - He counts.

- Alright dad, you can leave it to me, give me your cell phone and I'll talk to her, she'll accept it. -He says and Jay smiles, did he really want to see her and use her son as blackmail? That was incredible.- He smiles, taking his cell phone out of his pocket and dialing her number.

- You want to go? - Jesse asks Aydan.

- I would love to, but I need to do my shopping. - She lies, she didn't have a set time to go shopping, but Jay and the kids didn't need to know that she wanted him to have a moment alone with Lindsay and the kids.

- Are you missing me already? - Davis teases, happy that he called.

- Hello? Hi Erin... it's Jesse, daddy's boy. - Everyone in the house and Davis laugh at her cute introduction, Erin makes a mental note next time. Never teasing without first confirming that it's Jay, she's grateful that she didn't say anything too much.

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