Chapter 27

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After the trip, their lives returned to normal. They decided that they would schedule a dinner to tell the children about their relationship, because there was no point in hiding it since the children were attached to her and he knew that Jesse and Maya would be happy to have her more present in their lives.

But it wasn't long before they returned, Erin took on a case that, unbeknownst to them, would ruin their plan.

- How many years? - she asks when she hears about the body they found.

- 14. He had been missing for 5 days. - Rojas informs. She was approached by a desperate mother, who said that in the neighboring city there were many disappearances and the local police were doing absolutely nothing and she ended up getting contact with agent Rojas.

- Let's see what we can do, but I don't think we can help much with this information. -Erin says taking the file she received and they start working.


The case that Vanessa took to her, took on a greater proportion a few days later, when they went from occasional disappearances, to mass disappearances of boys between 13 and 20 years old in the same region for years. So they knew what this was about, they were dealing with a serial killer.

Unfortunately, as in most cases of serial killers, besides discovering when the number of deaths probably exceeded 10, they had no clues, only suspicions.

They didn't even have bodies, they had one. There was a high number of disappearances, a specific age group, a small perimeter for so many disappearances, everyone was male and there was a demand for the police to do something.

This was a case that started on team C, Lindsay's. This overwhelmed her, they spent all their time searching for clues about anything they might have of these missing young people.

What was impressive was the fact that they were already in 2021, there were cameras, purchase invoices, witnesses and no one saw anything suspicious. What were they missing?

The whole affair ended up decreasing Erin's frequency with the children. Mainly because they went back to school. They asked for her, but there wasn't much that could be done and it would have to be good for them to lose all that attachment to her, which in reality wasn't doing much good. Jay took them to headquarters, but they ended up putting off telling him about their relationship.

The following month when they found the second body buried near a lake, of another of the missing boys wrapped in a plastic bag, with signs of torture, sexual abuse, as well as having been emasculated like the first - and if they had any doubts, the third body in the same conditions, the case became bigger, team A and B coming in to help.

This ended up taking Erin further away from the children, and they only saw each other once that month, on account of Sam's 20th birthday, which also didn't last long, because Erin had to leave in the middle of her birthday as soon as she received the news. second body.


- Hey how are you? - Jay enters her office.

- Exhausted. I can't stand running out of clues any longer. I hate these cases, how they know how to kill victims without leaving a trace and we only find out when countless people are already dead. - she is frustrated. She doesn't sleep, she barely eats and she still has to deal with some monster doing evil to children and young people. She falls into the chair exhausted.

-She brought your breakfast. - Jay says placing it on the table.

- Thanks. - It wasn't just the children who didn't have much time with her. Jay and Sam didn't have it either, the only difference was that they both saw her every day and understood, the children were increasingly confused.

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