Chapter 1

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Breathless and racing through the narrow alley, she could feel the adrenaline and sweat clinging onto her body but dared not to slow down, risking the chance to catch her target or being caught. Looking over her shoulder to make sure she wasn't being followed she quickly turned the corner before crouching down, making sure to stay quiet and hidden in the shadows pressing into her earpiece. "Ok, I think I lost him. Any good news on your end?"

"Negative. No sign here."

"That's not good. Any word from Pinky yet?" she said peeking left then right with sudden frustration since they'd been at it for some time now with no luck on their end.

"I'm afraid not."

"Ok. What about Todoroki?"

"Haven't heard from him either. I'm sad to say this doesn't bode well for us Uravity."

"I know what you mean Tsukuyomi."

"Hey it's me. I had eyes on the target but almost got caught in the process."

"Todoroki!" Uraraka breathed a sigh of relief. "You had us worried!"

"My apologies. He was so fast I was barely able to escape." he said, breathing heavily. "And remember it's Shoto when we're out on a mission."

"I know but it's still weird." Floating herself up towards the roof she lifted herself as quietly as she could making sure the coast was clear.


"See Tsukuyomi even agrees." she pointed out. "So, you should hurry up and pick a hero name already Todoroki."

"Is this really the time to be discussing this?"

"Todo- erm Shoto is right Uravity. We still have no idea where the enemy might be hiding." Tokoyami said.

"True. We've already lost Pinky."

"Pinky's gone?" She could hear the fire and ice user sounding surprised.

"Yeah, we haven't heard from her in a while now."

"Alright. Stay on guard the enemy could have spies everywhere."

"Got it. All clear on the roof." Uraraka said hoping from rooftop to rooftop.

"Same here." Todoroki could be heard running.

"Tsukuyomi what about you? See anything yet?" she asked listening to her earpiece. "Tsukuyomi?"

"I don't like this."

"Agreed." Nodding her head as if her teammate could see her, she landed on another rooftop carefully scanning her surroundings "And it's way too quiet. Something's definitely up, we should've seen something by now."

"Tsukuyomi come in! he's still not answering." Gritting his teeth, Todoroki looked from across the building he was in, seeing nothing out of the ordinary. "Uravity I'm on my way to Tsukuyomi's last location."

"Sounds good. I'll meet you there Todor-Shoto." She said shaking her head with amusement as she started leaping from rooftop to rooftop once more using her quirk while keeping an eye out for any enemies close by. She was proud to say that during these last few months she was able to use her quirk more efficiently and hold the nausea at bay for longer amounts of time than before but could still feel its effect and discomfort starting to crawl its way to her stomach. Once she got to the rooftop of Tokoyamis last location, she quickly crouched down letting her eyes scan the area. "Tsukuyomi, Shoto you there?"

Getting nothing but dead air she slowly peeked down to look at the street below furrowing her brows. "Well, that can't be good..."

"Yup seems about right."

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