Chapter 28

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AN: Hope you been enjoying reading this story and once again none of the songs are mine but feel free to look them up to get an idea on their dancing. (in case you haven't caught on by now I love anything to do with music and dancing lol)

Enjoy and have a great weekend!

Throughout the next few days Bakugo tried anything and everything to get her to talk to him even if for a minute but it seemed she was determined to keep her distance and avoid him at all costs.

So, when he found himself laying on his bed checking his phone again with no new messages other than their usual circle of friends, he frustratingly tossed it aside remembering when he last tried to talk to her a few hours ago.

All Might had them run laps around the tracks and after a while he smoothly made his way over to run next to her as she continued to keep her eyes forward.

"Can we talk now?'

"About what?" she casually said as her hair bounced around in her ponytail with Shinso next to her.

"You damn well know about what cheeks."

Raising a curious brow at the two, Shinso slowly started moving to the next lane to somewhat give them some privacy but abruptly stopped when he felt her grab onto the hem of his shirt keeping him in place. 'Well, this is awkward...' He was about to say something but gulped at the look she shot him letting him know that if he left her that he'll regret it later. 'Alright so apparently I'm staying.'

Not one to miss the exchange Bakugo couldn't care less at the moment. "Look I've been trying to get you to talk to me for the last few days so you can understand that this had nothing to do with what you're thinking-"

"I'm not thinking anything."

"Yes, you are! You're thinking that I've been doing some shady ass shit when I haven't." he said trying to catch her gaze which she still refused.

"I already said that's none of my business."

Trying to swallow down the bitter taste of what she said again. He exhaled slowly. "Look Uraraka I'm trying to explain-"

"Nothing to explain." She coldly said remembering when she tried doing the same, but he wouldn't listen.

Keeping his eyes on her he slowly nodded. "I guess I deserve that. And I was an asshole when I didn't let you explain before... but I'm hoping that you at least here me out."

"You know what, I think I'm just going to..." Shino pointed forwards.

"No, you're fine." She spoke with an authoritative tone.

"I guess I am." Shinso whistled swiftly looking away and thankful that he wasn;t on the other end of her wrath.

"Listen I don't care if eye bags hears-"

"Still not listening." Shinso mumbled to himself until he addressed the blond. "Although may I say good job on pissing her off by the way -whatever you did."

"I didn't do shit!"

Huffing, Uraraka started speeding up with both boys slowing their pace until they came to a complete stop. "Looks like you did." Shinso said placing his hands on his hip to take a breather.

Placing his hands on top of his head Bakugo took a deep breath as she sprinted off.

"Young Shinso, Young Bakugo we're not done yet!" All Might shouted from afar reminding him to keep going.

End of flashback...

"You know, the easier way would be to just talk to her." Kirishima said staring at the game in front of him with his tongue sticking out in concentration.

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