Chapter 17

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The next morning Uraraka woke up feeling somewhat groggy and her eyes swollen shut from the crying she had done the previous night. She had decided to remain in her room for the rest of the night ignoring the constant knocks of Mina and just wanting to be left alone at the moment.

This morning however after quickly getting ready and sending a message back to the pink girl, agreeing to the impromptu sleepover that Mina had apparently planned at Urarakas house tomorrow for the next couple of days, she grabbed her bag leaving her room to catch her train back home for the week, hoping to not run into anyone in specific.

Walking on her tip toes knowing that mostly everyone was still asleep she took the elevator back down. She didn't care if this was childish or cowardly of her, she just didn't want to face him at the moment knowing that it would just hurt too much to do so.


"Yo bro you ready?" Kirishima hollered too loud for his liking as Bakugo yanked the door open with a scowl. "There he is!"

"The hell are you screaming for we don't leave for another hour!"

"Yeah, but you would usually want to be on your way already." Kirishima scratched his head knowing that Bakugo considered even being on time late and made it a point to drill it into everyone's heads that punctuality is one the traits of being a good hero, which apparently according to him many of them lacked. "What? Don't tell me that the great Bakugo is in no hurry to leave."

Giving the red head a dangerous glare to which Kirishima just grinned in returned already being immune to all of his buddy's threats throughout the years. Bakugo just settled for rolling his eyes and picked up his bag before slamming his door shut behind him.

Lazily stretching his arms above his head Kirishima gave a tired yawn. "Dude, I think all the exhaustion from the past three days are getting to me." He said grateful that they were all getting at least some kind of rest this week after the sports festival knowing things were just going to get more brutal when it came to their busy schedule.

Grunting Bakugo silently followed him towards the elevator only briefly stopping next to a closed door keeping his eyes glued to the floor.

"She already left."


Lifting his eyes up, he saw Kirishima still walking forward without so much as turning until he pressed the down button and lifted a curious brow at the blond waiting for him to meet him. "Uraraka. I think she left this morning."

"Like I care." Bakugo quietly said stepping into the elevator.

"Right..." Kirishima grinned clearing his throat when Bakugo settled him with an annoyed look.



"Mina, could you say something besides that?"

Blinking rapidly at all the information Uraraka suddenly dumped on her, the pink girl was speechless as the two girls continued to walk down the street, each holding a bag having been shopping for the last hour. "I know babe I'm sorry. But I still can't believe that Todoroki just kissed you like that! Oh my god!"

"I know-"

"How was it?!"


Rolling her eyes, Mina tried not to laugh at the sudden surprised look on her face, making them both stop. "Come on babe it's me. I won't say anything I promise. But I am curious to know because it's not like I can ask anyone we know!"

Pressing her lips together Uraraka sat down at the nearest table followed by Mina. Thinking back to a few days ago Uraraka felt her face flush both out of embarrassment and frustration. "To be honest Mina, the kiss didn't last long. And I won't lie it was nice, but...

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