Chapter 49

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AN: Hey guys like always just an FYI none of the songs are mine as well as most of the characters.And the second song I feel like in a way it can relate to this story depending on your view. Plus I love it lol

Enjoy :)

"So, you want to tell me again how this happened?" Mr. Aizawa gave each of them a tired look. He had been happily taking a nap when he was woken up by the alarming sound of his students bursting through the door. "And why you didn't heed the warning?"

"Well, we were doing good." Mina argued wincing when Yaoyorozu continued to wrap her leg. "That was until..."

"We tried to save this cute little squirrel." Finished Uraraka as they gave him the sweetest puppy dog eyes they could muster, making their homeroom teacher roll his eyes.

"A damn squirl?" Bakugo huffed leaning against the back of the couch Uraraka was sitting on. "So, you fucked up your wrist because of a damn squirl?" he repeated.

"Yes, and it was a cute one too." She lifted her chin proudly as if to make a point.

"Hey, you can't blame us for wanting to save all kinds of life." Mina pointed out making Kirishima grin and shake his head.

"Well obviously you're no better." Bakugo scoffed crossing his arms and gesturing to Mina's leg. "The only one that seemed to have some damn sense if any, is frog face over here."

"Actually, I managed to move it out of the way, but I was too late when I tried to get to them." Tsu turned her gaze down feeling sorry she wasn't able to make it on time.

"It's ok Tsu."

"Yeah, at least we managed to safe the cute little guy."

Pinching the bridge of his nose Bakugo returned his attention back to the three girls. "Are you guys even listening to yourselves?"

Clearing his throat, Mr. Aizawa refocused everyone's attention back to him. "Even so, you still should've taken precautions, since Recovery girl's not here to heal your injuries. You will have to suffer the consequences until we make it back home."

"Wait, so we'll miss out on our last day here?!" Mina cried out pouting while Yaoyorozu gave her a couple of crutches in the meantime.

"Sorry Mina, that's what happens when you play hero." Kirishima said plopping himself down on the chair next to her.

"Dinner will be ready soon, so I suggest you all get ready." Mr. Aizawa spoke over his shoulder as he exited the small room intending to finish his nap.

"This sucks!" Mina grumbled until she heard Bakugo snicker. "And Mr. Explosion Murder's really not helping!"

"Well, what did you expect when you guys make reckless decisions like that?"

"It wasn't reckless." Uraraka puffed her cheeks but winced when she accidentally moved her left wrist and thankful for the brace and sling Yaoyorozu made for her. "Thanks Momo."

"No problem."

"Anyway, if we didn't do something, someone else would've hurt the little thing." Uraraka reasoned but quickly rolled her eyes when Bakugo just gave her a blank look. "What would you have done?"

Rubbing his head Bakugo couldn't keep the smirk from his face anymore as he looked away.

"Katsuki!" She gaped at him appalled at what he must be thinking and shaking her head when he started laughing.

"Of course, I would have done something." He lifted his hands amused that they were even having this discussion. Of course, he would have helped...apparently even a damn rodent. But the reason why he couldn't help the amusement on his face was because he didn't know whether he wanted to keep scolding her for not thinking or if he wanted to just find the nearest room and ravish her.

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