Chapter 25

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Anxiously bouncing her leg while staring at the front of the class at what Ectoplasm was teaching, Uraraka's head felt like a jumbled mess at the moment unsure of what came over her earlier today. She couldn't make sense of anything today. It felt like her head was filled with straws and it didn't matter was she did to alleviate the paid- this headache was still pounding in her skull making her see black spots until she frantically tried to blink them away.

She didn't dare let her eyes look anywhere other than the front of the classroom because humiliation didn't even begin to cover how she felt after what she did, just wanting to shrink away in her seat. Part of her still couldn't believe it and with the guys in the room too?! What was she thinking!

It's not like she hasn't had any adventurous thoughts, she was a curious teenager after all. But she never went out seeking that kind of stuff let alone think about it this much. If she had to be honest with herself that fire didn't actually ignite until she started getting closer to a certain hot-tempered boy that revealed all kinds of feelings inside her she wasn't even aware of. Which let her to have to stop herself when her imagination would run wild with all thoughts of him. I mean how could it not? Just one look at him and anyone would get hungry.


Frowning at the use of that word she let out a small sigh placing a strand of hair behind her ear, letting her eyes finally scan the classroom she noticed Mina fanning her face and Tsu gulping down another bottle of water. Smiling she let her eyes drag over the other side seeing Bakugo leaning against his desk with his cheek resting on his palm staring bored at the pencil in his hand.

Unable to help her wandering eyes she could see a shimmer of sweat dripping down his neck and disappear underneath the lose collar of his shirt making her suddenly feel very thirsty as she gripped onto the hem of her skirt and without a second thought quickly snapped her hand up to use the restroom hoping to grab a drink of water on her way back. Maybe that'll help with this heat.

Once class was over Bakugo was more than ready when it was time for training class and beyond ready to just hit something anything.

"Hey man, got a minute?" Kirishima leaned against one of the boys' lockers while Bakugo pulled off his shirt.

"No." Bakugo firmly said, turning to face him, scrunching up his face. "And what the hell's wrong with you missing out on training yesterday?"

"Eh...well you see..." Kirishima lowered his voice making sure to not be overheard. "I've just been spending time with Mina..."

"Hold it!" Lifting his hand to stop him, Bakugo gave him a warning look already hating where this conversation was heading. "If you're about to talk shit about the damn things you and your raccoon of a girlfriend do, I swear on everything Kirishima I will personally see to it-"

Chuckling Kirishima lifted his hands in surrender. "No bro not going to get into the specifics with you."

"Good." He said putting on his gym shirt.

"W-well you see the thing...we've done stuff-"

"SERIOUSLY?!" Bakugo growled staring at him with disbelieving and disgust written all over his face. "I JUST FUCKIN TOLD YOU-"

"Shhh keep your voice down!" Kirishima frantically looked around thankful that everyone was already out.

"Not if you're about to burn my fuckin ears off! Whatever you two do that's your damn business!" he said slamming his locker shut and picking up his shoes to leave but stopped when he saw Kirishimas troubled face.

It was unlike the red head to ever look this glum, and Bakugo knew that whatever this was must really be bothering him, not to mention Bakugo's lost count of how many times Kirishimas been there for him not that he'd ever outright admit it.

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