Chapter 30

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AN: Hope you all enjoy this chapter I know I had a lot of fun writing this one, you'll see why. Once again none of the characters belong to me other than the OC's and neither does the song which is "Broken" by Seether and Amy Lee (love it)

Enjoy and have a great weekend!

"Man I'm so bored!" Kaminari groaned laying on the sand covering his eyes with his arms with the hundred-degree heat burning down on them. It was already past noon and even with the slight breeze, the air remained thick and hot making these last few days feel like entering a sauna.

"Then go swimming." Jirou said leaning against one of the trees playing her guitar and trying to take advantage of the little shade as much as she could.

"I already did." He said gesturing to his swim trunks. "Glad I brought these along. Hey, do you know if Uraraka brought any good books to read?"

"Huh? I'm not sure." Mina said, thinking the same thing before lifting her phone. "need another recharge."

Groaning Kaminari dragged himself over to the pink girl. "I don't get how you keep using all the battery so quickly, we don't even have any signal here."


"Alright I'm going to see what the guys are up to." He stood dusting some of the sand off his body unaware that Jirous was discreetly watching him. "-Or the girls, who knows maybe they'll be up for a dip in the water." He winked before leaving.

"So hopeless..." Mina shook her head.

"Definitely." Yaoyorozu sighs, turning the page of a magazine she was reading.


"I'm not waiting on you!" Bakugo shouted begrudgingly walking deeper into the forest getting more and more annoyed every second since strolling through the muggy island proved to be somewhat difficult, especially when you didn't have anything in hand to make a clean path. You couldn't even make it two meters without breaking into a sweat, which wasn't hard considering that's all they've been doing these last few days and thus he was considered a safety hazard according to his stupid friends. "When we get back Mr. Aizawa is going to get a fuckin ear full from me." He growled. "Probably trying to get rid of us to make time with that green haired clown lady."

Finally stepping out of the bushes he looked over his shoulder surprised that his friends were still taking their sweet time to go swimming. Not that it mattered since he preferred this place quiet and still enjoyed the part about how tranquil and unspoiled the place really was with the cascading of a small waterfall on the other side of the stream.

Maybe it was better that the guys were taking forever, that way he could enjoy at least a few more minutes of peace before they arrived, and all chaos broke loose.

Removing his shirt, he quickly jumped in already wearing his swim trunks and grinning the moment the water touched his burning skin, but all calmness disappeared when he heard a loud scream coming from the area by the waterfall where he saw a startled Uraraka quickly dip under the water until it reached her chin with an unusual shade of red on her face.

"YOU!" she narrowed her eyes into slits.

"Yeah, it's just me." he said with a worried tone and knitted brows. "What's with the screaming round-face? See a shark?'


Finding it still amusing to get a rise out of her any chance he gets, he grinned to himself swimming closer to the waterfall.

"What are you doing here?!" she screeched in panic, nervously looking around.

"Obviously same as you." He said closing his eyes and letting the water hit his face before shaking his thick hair.

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