Chapter 27

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The following day things started to get back to normal little by little or as normal as things could be after a quirk attack like that when Uraraka found herself leaving class to go back to the dorms, checking her watch again she realized she still had half an hour before meeting some of the others to study.

"Hey Uraraka, you got a minute?"

"Sure." She smiled continuing on her pace along the green lawn. "What's up Todoroki?"

Scratching the back of his head he tried to come up with the best way to start. "Well, you see... I've been meaning to talk to you about what happened the other day so that I can apologize."

"Huh?" Tilting her head, she came to a complete stop not sure as to what he was talking about. If anyone had to apologize it would have to be her.

Understanding her confusion, he made sure to clarify. "Back at the library, I should have realized something was wrong sooner and done something."

"Oh that..." she said placing a strand of hair behind her ear. "Trust me, I should be the one apologizing here and I'm sorry if I hurt you by the way." She scrunched up her face at the memory, still quite embarrassed and hoping he would accept her apology.

"It's fine." He gently said furrowing his brows. "You were... pretty strong."

With a hearty laugh Uraraka turned her body to face him fully, raising her fist. "Still friends?"

Seeing him awkwardly lift his own fist and analyzing it, she realized that he wasn't quite sure what to do before she smiled pumping his fist with hers.

"Always." he said, giving her a kind smile until they heard the schools' doors swing up.

"ICY HOT!" Bakugo barked marching over to them with an embarrassed Deku waiving at the students they passed by.

"What is it?" the stoic boy asked.

"Endeavor called saying he needed us down there ASAP." Bakugo said flicking his eyes to hers and felt himself stiffen before quickly looking away when he felt his cheeks warm along with hers.

"He said he's been calling you." Deku happily offered.

"I guess I must've missed it." Todoroki said pulling out his phone and deleting the new messages.

"I thought you guys were getting along?" Uraraka curiously asked.

"It's just he's suddenly been feeling like we need to spend more time together...I guess more father son time if you will."

"Well, whatever it is, I'm still not a damn secretary you hear me!" Bakugo growled.

"Sure." Came Todoroki's simple answer making the other boys eye twitch.

"So, we'll see you later Uraraka?" Deku turned to leave lifting a questioning eyebrow.

"Yup. You guys have fun and be careful." She smiled until she realized Bakugo was still standing there now staring at her with a blank expression.

Suddenly he places his hand on top of her head allowing her to stare at him for a few seconds before he roughly tousled her hair making her yelp out. "Hey!"

"Later round-face." he smirked running to catch up with the two.


"Alright that'll be all for today." Mr. Aizawa tiredly closed his book the next day feeling as many of his student already felt in barely keeping his eyes open. "And don't forget your trip to I-Island is coming up so make sure you are all thoroughly prepared."

"I-Island?!" they all shouted excitedly lifting their hands.

"That's the trip we've heard about?!" Kaminari grinned.

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