Chapter 54

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Inhaling deeply and clenching the cup in his hand tighter Bakugo could feel himself shaking with anger the moment he heard her annoying voice. "What the fuck are you doing here?"

Twirling a blond strand through her finger, Camie playfully moved it away from her shoulder and turned to look at her surroundings. "One of my old girlfriends who goes here invited me."

"Sucks for them." He grumbled grabbing the second cup for Uraraka and turning to leave until she grabbed his elbow, and he roughly yanked it off making her slightly stumble back. "What the fuck?!"

"Ooh don't tell me you're still sour about what happened?" she pouted. "Or are you just upset that we didn't get to finish what we started?"

"What you mean the time you spiked everyones drinks?!" he grit his teeth narrowing his eyes dangerously and wouldn't think twice to blast that smile off her face. "Nothing fuckin happened and nothing ever will, I can promise that!"

"Wasn't me..." she placed a finger to her cheek peeking up at him innocently. "I was pretty out that night too, that's actually why I followed you. Wanted to make sure you were ok."

"I seriously fuckin doubt that."

"Did they ever find out who brought alcohol to this thing?" she asked, taking a moment to think for herself.

Scoffing, he shook his head already done with this conversation the minute he saw her and was about to tell her to fuck off.

"Hey, is that for me?" Uraraka asked walking up to them and gesturing to one of the drinks in his hands. She had been watching them knowing how pissed Bakugo must be and to avoid making a scene for everyone, she decided to help him out knowing he was going to break a fuse any minute. Heck she was about to march right over there too the moment they saw her but decided to let him handle it.

Giving her a thankful look Bakugo quickly offered it to her before gesturing for them to go. "Come on."

"Hey Camie it's been a while." Uraraka decided to remain in place trying her hardest to keep calm since she knew the smile the other girl gave didn't quite reach her eyes.

"I know! It's been ages and you look stunning babe!"


"She always does." Bakugo smirked down at Uraraka relishing in the way her cheeks flushed even pinker at his comment.

"That is totes cute!" Camie smiled but Uraraka couldn't help but frown at the sudden uneasy feeling in the pit of her stomach.


"Huh?" blinking up at him, she realized he had asked her something before turning back to a concerned Camie and shaking her head to clear her mind. "Sorry...what was that?"

"Dance." He said raising his eyebrows. "Let's go."

"Whatever happened to not dancing?" Camie curiously asked lifting her own cup to her lips.

"She's my girlfriend not a moron." He said over his shoulder quickly leading Uraraka to the dance floor.

"Dude is Bakugo dancing?!" Sero gawked at the two just as easily shocked as some of the others to see their once hot-headed friend walking towards the dance floor. They couldn't help but smile at how perfect Bakugo and Uraraka looked together, still somewhat surprised to her bring out a softer somewhat nicer side to him and calmer too.

It was nice to see that after so long they found someone they could trust enough to completely open up.

"They really balance each other out." Deku said to no one in particular as they continued watching them dance. "Always thought so." He fondly smiles glad to see them both finally so happy after this long.

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