Chapter 21

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Walking along one of the aisles in the library, she absently trailed her fingertips along the rows and rows of books lining the shelves on either side of her. She really loved being here. She didn't know if it had to do with the quiet and peacefulness of it all, the thrill of finding something new to read or just the sight of all the books around. Not a lot of people took advantage of places like these anymore, instead opting for the computer lining the other side of the library where some of her classmates were working at the moment.

Picking up a book on physics and adding it to her others she carried in her hand which included astronomy and the history of quirks, she continued to let her eyes scan the nearby books until she felt a pair of eyes on her. Turning her head, she felt like she was being watched again but found no one in the aisle behind her. Chewing on her bottom lip she nearly jumped out of her skin when she came face to face with Mina and Yaoyorozu curiously staring at her.

"Woah babe, that's a lot of books."

"I know." She exhaled loudly. "But since our summer break is coming up, it'll give me something to read and maybe help with improving my quirk."

"Nothing wrong with a little reading." Yaoyorozu smiled looking through the ones she had.

"True." Mina said looking through some of the magazines on display. "But I'm so not looking forwards to all this intensive training this year like Mr. Aizawa said. Not to mention all the work studies coming up, and schoolwork. Are we even going to have any free time anymore?"

"I know what you mean."

"And what's this about no training camp this year?" Mina pouted remembering that Mr. Aizawa made sure to remind them that there would be no summer training camp this year and that instead they would go through something else that was scheduled for after their summer break, but he wouldn't give out any more detail than that. "I had so much fun last time."

Giggling Uraraka gave her a meaningful look. "Yeah I remember you did."

"Hey! I'm not the only one remember." Mina winked making little kissy noises towards her cheeks.

"Mina!" Uraraka said flailing her hands in front of her looking on either side to make sure no one heard and luckily for her Momo was too invested in one of the many books in her hands.


"Wait, did someone just shush me?" Mina gawked looking around fully intending to find who had the audacity to do so.


"Oh boy." Uraraka smacked her forehead seeing Mina's angry face. "Mina this is a library after all."

"And we need to respect everyone's wishes. We don't want to be rude."

"I don't care, you do not shush Mina Ashido!"


"Oooh..." growling Mina slowly made her way down another aisle like a lioness ready to pounce on her prey.

Shaking her head Uraraka quickly walked past her.

"Ochaco stealth remember! Hawks would be very disappointed in you young lady." Mina grinned walking behind her until she bumped into a confused Uraraka. "What's up?" Pivoting to the side Mina frowned when she saw some of the guys sitting on the floor around the romance section of the library, quietly reading.

"What are they doing?" Mina asked scratching her head

"I believe they call it reading." Yaoyorozu giggled.

"Well there's a first time for everything." Mina wickedly smiled before shouting. "Hey!"

"Shhh!" Kaminari said without looking up.

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