Chapter 61

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AN: Hey guys thanks for reading and sorry about the slight wait. This has been a pretty tiresome week but at least this chapter is quite longer so I hope you like it. And also we're heading over to UA graduation on the next chapter!!!!

After she had woken up Uraraka had found Bakugo staring down at her, lazily playing with a lock of her brown hair, and making her momentarily forget where they were when he began to trail kisses down her body.

Snapping her eyes shut and tilting her head back in absolute bliss, she parted her mouth unable to come up with any coherent words, gasping when she felt him moving deep within her. He moved his strong hand up her left thigh digging his finger into it and lifting it before diving in deeper with a loud grunt.

"Shit Chako you feel so damn good." He closed his eyes growling while he heard her moan.

Hearing his rough panting voice say things like that continued to stir her in all the right direction and into that familiar bubbling sensation building up. Pressing his soft lips against hers she eagerly welcomed him as his tongue slipped in caressing hers with his own with each grinding of his hips.

She dragged her hands up and down his toned back, making his white buttoned shirt drop from his shoulders exposing his taunt back as he continued to whisper hotly into her ear.

"Please..." she pleads withering underneath him and firmly wrapping her legs around his hips as he started gripping her tighter knowing she was almost there. "Harder Katsuki..."

Smirking, he always loved seeing that demanding side of her and who the hell was he to deny her? And he was going to make sure that whatever his girl wanted she would get.

His hips bucked faster and faster, breath coming out ragged in time with his thrusts as he moved his hand from her ass to her hip but not before giving it a hard slap that she would definitely feel afterwards. But she didn't mind in the least. When he began going harder, she had to cover her mouth with her hand to cover her muffled cry to try and be as quiet as possible.

When he felt her clench around him, he gasped with a strangled cry rocking his hips four more times before following her into oblivion. "Fuckkkk...."

Nearly collapsing on top of her, he carefully drops down next to her kissing their entwined fingers as they tried to catch their breath and she gently started running her fingers though his hair.

It had been surprisingly quiet from what they could tell. Only the faint sounds of footsteps could be heard every so often. So, they guessed it was probably late at night but couldn't be certain.

"You know I've noticed something."

"Hmm?" Opening his eyes, he peered down at her.

Lazily lifting their hands, she couldn't help but giggle at the way he suddenly blushed over that simple gesture especially after what they just did and that's something he always did whenever he was close. "It's sweet."

"Whatever." He grumbled before he settled her with a playful smirk. "It's not like you don't have a cute little habit of your own."

"Huh?" Blinking up at him she saw him gesture to his hair she was still running her fingers though to make his point. "Oh..."

"I like it." He chuckled when she started burying her face in his chest and instead placed soft kisses on his cheek before moving over to his neck.

"Mmm round-face I'm down for another round if you are..." He smirked wickedly raising a questioning brow when she dropped her mouth open and now wondering if it was a good idea to have told him about the birth control.

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