Chapter 57

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AN: Hey guys hope you're liking this so far and just wanted to give you a heads up that the next update won't be out until next week. So until then enjoy!


Stomping down the halls, Kage made it a point to push anyone out of his way until he finally reached his destination. The monitor room was anything but simple with screens lining every available space with each screen varying in size. The majority of the monitors show the outside of the building as well as outside each door, inside the medical wards and finally the outside docking station where all of their shipments were delivered or sent off.

"Why'd you call me here?" Kage said after letting himself in and stopping right behind Kenzo who was closely watching the screens. "You know I was busy."

"So, I heard." Kenzo lowly said with a clear edge to his voice before turning his attention to his younger brother, surprised to see him clutching his nose with a towel. "And what happened to you?"

"It was that damn bitch." Kage winced from the pain as his eyes began to water. When he looked up again, he gave Kenzo an irritated glare when he saw him raise his brows in amusement. "You're clearly enjoying this."

Shrugging his shoulders Kenzo reverted his gaze to the monitors. "The little mouse has claws."

"Shut up."

"Anyway, Toga's got an assignment for you. They need you to get one more thing from UA."

"Seriously? Now?!"

"It's in the same place she got the rest of the samples so you shouldn't have a problem." Kenzo said, eyeing his brother carefully. "And no detours Kage, come right back here and get that nose fixed."

"Yeah yeah." He waived off knowing that it wouldn't take him longer than five minutes. Besides, it wouldn't hurt to have a look around while he was there. Which was exactly what he did once he managed to get into the school infirmary after making sure Recovery girl nor any of the students or teachers were around. Walking over to the back where Toga had said she took some of the blood stored there, he searched through them until he found the one they needed. "Well, that was too easy." He grinned before looking around once more to make sure everything was in the same place as before and grabbing a bag of ice, quickly teleporting away right as Recovery Girl walked inside with Principal Nezu.

Upon appearing inside Urarakas room he took a quick look around frowning when he felt warm air coming out of the opened bathroom. But when he carefully looked inside there was no one there. Shaking his head, he winced and cursed under his breath when the throbbing in his nose increased.

Letting his eyes take in her room he slowly walked over to the bed lightly running his fingers against the pillow.


Whipping his head around he furrowed his brows when he didn't see anything thinking that maybe Uraraka really did give him a good bashing. Shaking his head, he quickly teleported back to the base and into his room out of habit as he swung his door open and marched his way down to get his damn nose looked at.

It was a good minute before a figure slowly came out of hiding behind the bed. Upon glancing once more at the closed door to make sure no one was coming she took another look down at her shaky hands that slowly became visible. When realizing she lost her quirk Hagakure felt like her plan was quickly backfiring when she saw her usual invisible fingers wiggling back at her. "Oh crap...."


"So, you're one of Shotos little friends..." Dabi asked leaning against the bed and sitting on the floor next to her. It had been a few minutes before he decided to break the ice knowing she wasn't in a talking mood and who could blame the girl. "How's he doing by the way?"

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