Chapter 64

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AN: Alrighty guys here's chapter 64. I tried to make this really good for you so hopefully you like it. See ya this weekend!

Heavily panting she managed to roll out of the way just as Bakugo propelled himself towards her again, throwing a good size explosion which briefly obscured her vision as he shot himself straight into the air landing behind her and setting off a larger explosion that had her tumbling back a few feet.

"Uraraka hang on!" Deku grit his teeth trying to lift himself up after another hit from Hana.

Rapidly getting to her feet before Bakugo had another chance. She floated herself as well as the rest of the debris around, using them as steppingstones as she whirled around him, kicking off pieces and sending them soaring towards him, making sure to release her quirk as soon as they were about to hit their target.

Desperately ignoring his shouts and explosions, she continued relentlessly until she reached a broken beam that she had floated and used it to knock him against one of the nearby walls. "Wake up!"

Peering through the dust she was able to see him emerge from the rubble a second before he blasted himself forward, grabbing her shoulder and slamming her straight into the brick wall. "AGH!"

Trying to ignore the pain in her head as well as the rest of her body as he held her there, she barely managed to open her eyes in time to see his fist coming at her full force and avoid getting a full blast to the face.

Swinging and circling her arms around and underneath his to try and get the upper hand, she was able to successfully lock his arm with a harsh strike to the side of his face and roughly shoved him into the wall next to her.

She didn't have a lot of time to think since his reflex time was still as sharp as ever. It was as if he didn't even feel pain at the moment, just overcome by pure rage as he flipped them over with a wild look in his eyes.

Her head was pounding as she continued to fight with everything she had, successfully twisting his arm to keep another explosion from trying to land its mark and quickly using her quirk when she gave him a quick kick square in the face sending him flying back. She used this moment to blast her way after him with her rocket boots, lifting her right leg for a surprised roundhouse kick but he managed to grab her leg midair and shoot them upwards.

Knowing what was about to happen she made the quick decision to release her quirk which momentarily caught him by surprise. "Oh no, we're not doing this again1" she shouted jumping onto his back as he tried to fight her off.

Flying through the air Uraraka realized that with every roll he made in an attempt to throw her off, he didn't seem to care whether the building remained standing or either of them lived.

"Katsuki you have to stop this!" She winced when he threw them against the side of one of the nearby buildings, pieces of bricks and glass scrapping them as they went.

"Uraraka!" Mr. Aizawa shouted as he saw them fly by, activating his quirk before they could go headfirst into the already unstable building too far away.

Skidding across the pavement they eventually bounced off the brick wall with a loud crash. Getting the wind knocked out of you definitely wasn't part of the plan, but it'll have to do if it bought her a few more seconds.

Lifting herself on her hands and knees to try and get back up, she was surprised to see Bakugo barely able to stand, yet with the feral look in his eyes she knew there was no way he'd stop. "Katsuki please."

"Uraraka now!"

The moment she saw Shino's scarf fly towards him and wrap around his arms, she quickly fisted her hands increasing Bakugo's weight, pinning him to the ground.

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