Chapter 59

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Hearing her voice mixed with cries and shouts he was barely able to lift his eyes, parting his mouth repeatedly but nothing would come out as she continued to stare down at him with scared brown eyes.

Clutching his head to her chest she closed her eyes, thankful to know he was still hanging on. "Stay with me please...I can't lose you too." She sniffled gently placing him back down before running on shaky legs and mercilessly banging her fists against the door. "HELP! SOMEBODY PLEASE HELP!"

After what seemed like fruitless banging, she could hear one of the guards stationed outside bang back shouting for her to keep quiet.

"PLEASE HE'S GOING TO DIE!" she yelled, trying to keep her voice from breaking as she continued to bang against it.


Running back to the mattress she quickly cupped his cheeks, watching his eyes close.

"Don't worry Katsuki I'm here, I'll save you ok just please hold on!" she cried trying to rack her brain about what to do until a sudden thought occurred to her. "Hey...HEY!" Running back to the door she frantically began to bang on the door again. "HEY, I WANT TO TALK TO DABI! YOU HEAR ME, DABI!" She knew that it was only wishful thinking, but that didn't stop her from banging harder and harder against the door, not caring in the least if her hands would suffer later, she needed to get help and she needed it now.

After what felt like forever, she felt the doorknob jiggle, quickly stepping back to stand in front of Bakugo since she wasn't sure what to expect.

"Alright what's the damn commotion about?" Kenzo walked in pissed about the fact that he was interrupted and just about to crack if he didn't get a good smoke in.

Opening and closing her mouth she felt herself shivering at the familiar green eyes staring back at her. "W-where's Dabi?"

"Busy." He snapped, eyeing her obvious attempt at protecting Bakugo and her tear-stained face watching him. Pivoting his body he grimaced when he saw the results of the hostile beating Boussou and the guards unleashed on the other guy. He had to admit that this Bakugo guy was pretty tough and had a set of balls on him but going up against that many people at once without the use of his quirk was anyone's loss.

"Please you have to help him!"

Sneering back at her he shook his head. "I don't have to do shit. Not my problem. Let him die."

"Y-you don't mean that...." She whispered, widening her eyes when she saw him turn to leave. "Please, I won't let him die!"

"Well get ready to mourn sweetheart." He spoke over his shoulder.

"Riku wouldn't want that!" she shouted clenching her fists on either side of her, anger quickly replacing anything else. "He told me about you."

Clicking his tongue, Kenzo dangerously looked over his shoulder before quietly closing the door in front of him. "Did he now...?"

Firmly nodding her head, she watched him eyeing her like a cat ready to pounce on his next meal. She knew she was desperate, and he knew it too. That didn't change the fact that she would do everything she possibly could to help Bakugo. "Yes he did! He still believes that his big brother isn't the type of person you like yourself to believe."

"You don't know shit about me girly."

"I know what he has told me! He told me that you were always there for him and still are!" She winced when he quickly slammed her against the wall knowing she was running a huge risk at mentioning that.

"Careful, I could kill you in a heartbeat." He growled, narrowing his eyes. "Whatever the fuck you think you know, you don't."

"I know enough to know that you care about your brothers! I know that you would do anything to protect the people you care about and so will I! And I know that you just stood there while someone Riku knows was beaten half to death without lifting a damn finger!" she shouted, feeling the tears gather in her eyes. "How the hell would he feel if you still didn't do anything to save a life when you had the chance to?!"

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