Chapter 36

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The next morning before homeroom just as she was leaving the restroom, she quickly felt someone run up from behind her wrapping their strong arms around hers successfully locking her in place and drawing out a small yelp from the brunette.

"Morning Angel face." He lowly chuckled kissing her cheek and making them flush even more as she smiled to herself.

"Katsuki." She whispered yelled scanning their surroundings and luckily for them that part of the hall was fairly empty since students were already making their way inside their classroom right as he released his hold on her.

"What?" He cocked his head to the side with a sly smirk which only made it harder for her to not smile I return. "I can't hug you now?"'

"W-well don't take this the wrong way, but I don't think people are used to seeing you hug anyone." She nervously let her eyes look around.

"Not going to lie and say that's not true because it is." He followed her line of sight as a few students walked by. "But I don't's always felt different with you even before we started going out."

"Shhh!" she giggled smacking him on the arm. "Someone could hear you."

"Couldn't care if they do." He simply shrugged, shoving his hands in his pockets, and pivoting his body to continue walking while she caught up with him.

"Ka-" Biting her lip as some students walked by she heard him scoff. "Bakugo..."

"I know." He stopped walking waiting for her to turn to look at him. "I know what I said. But that doesn't mean I have to like it. So don't worry I know how to keep my damn mouth shut."

Nodding her head with a grateful smile she opened her mouth to thank him but paused when she saw a mischievous glint in his eyes.

"'s not like I'm going to anything like carry your shit to class or something like this..."

"Wha-" a second later she felt him lift his index finger gently caressing the side of her face then playfully twirl a lock of her hair, then pulling back as he successfully saw the hint of a blush on her face.

"Ochaco do you really think anyone's paying attention right now?" he asked, gesturing to all the students frantically trying to make it to their lockers before the first bell rang.

"Well not right-HEY!" The minute she felt a hard tug on her back which had her whirl around to try and grasped the straps of her pink backpack but failed, leaving her mouth agape when she spotted Bakugo's giant grin as he ran down the hall and turned the corner disappearing through a crowd of students.

'Did he just...?' Snapping her mouth shut, she quickly tried to catch up and maneuvered through all the people trying to catch a glimpse of him. "Hold it you thief!"

Once she heard the familiar howl of laughter, she already knew which way he was going. Feeling excited at the fact that she was going to catch him at the top of the last stairs she came to a complete stop once he was no longer in sight. "Huh?" Looking both ways she couldn't find him anywhere. "Don't tell me..."

Peeking her head out of one of the windows she saw him already standing outside clutching her bag with a smug salute before he lazily started walking off, no doubt headed for their classroom.

Letting out a low growl she quickly made her way back downstairs marching over to their homeroom just as the bell rang and she found him already in his seat happily leaning back with his head in his hands and feet propped up on his desk.

Clearing her throat and carefully getting to her desk just as Mr. Aizawa untangled himself from his sleeping bag, she pursed her lips when she saw her bag already sitting on top of her desk waiting for her.

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