Chapter 42

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AN: Hey everyone just a heads up this chapter has a lot going and including some mature scenes.

The next morning when she awoke and found herself alone, she gave a small frown letting her eyes drag around the empty room, figuring he must've left sometime last night after she had fallen asleep. With a loud yawn she lazily dragged herself out of bed and towards her bathroom since she had a good hour left before having to meet up with Bakugo, Todoroki, and Deku.

She hadn't gone to a hospital since the passing of her dad, so she would be lying if she said she wasn't feeling a little uneasy, but regardless she was determined to push pass that and be there for her friends.

Once she was done getting ready with a good 30 minutes left dressed in a pair of jeans, light beige sweater and jacket she nearly jumped out her skin while brushing her hair when she heard the familiar banging on her door.

Rolling her eyes with the faint hint of a smile she walked over to her door to find all three boys waiting for her with Deku giving her an apologetic smile.

"You're late." Bakugo scowled watching her walk back into her room and picking up her purse.

"What-no I'm not. I have 29 minutes left." she proudly said looking down at her phone.

"You know Kacchan..." Deku gave her a sheepish smile.

"Tch, that means everyone should already be downstairs and out the door. So that's considered late."

"It's ok. The hospital doesn't open for another hour." Todoroki said receiving a deadpanned look from the blond.

"Still late."

"Ok, I think I got everything." She said giving her room one last sweep of her eyes before closing the door behind her while Deku and Todoroki started heading over to the elevator. Turning to follow, she was pulled back by the waist and into a smoldering kiss that only lasted a few seconds but had her melting and got her toes curling to the point that once he pulled away made her slightly stumble back.

"Morning." Bakugo smirked before turning and following the others down the hall. "Come on!"

"Huh?" Blinking away the haze in her eyes she slowly started to jog after them. "He so did that on purpose."


By the time they made it into the parking lot of the hospital with some time to spare, they decided to grab some breakfast while waiting since he knew Uraraka probably skipped out on it again.

"You know you didn't have to pay." She said finishing her food and tossing the napkin in the nearby garbage bin.

"Quite complaining, I didn't see you doing that while you were gobbling down your damn meal." He chuckled, receiving a playful nudge in return as her face warmed up out of embarrassment.

Proudly grinning he continued to chew the last bit of his food while pulling her closer until she was leaning against him with her arms crossed and his arms wrapped around her shoulders.

Smiling Deku continued to watch his childhood friend looking more relaxed and happier these days. Never in a million years would he thought of ever seeing the angry, loud, arrogant, and distant explosive boy suddenly caring about someone that much to a point where he wouldn't mind the affection she provided as well as allowing himself to become this close with anyone without even so much as flinching. Now it just seemed to come so naturally to Bakugo whenever he was around her.

There were things that Bakugo would always keep to himself since they were little, but Deku could tell by the contempt look on his face that he was truly happy, and that in itself made the One For All user smile even more.

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