Chapter 23

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AN: Hey guys hope you've been enjoy this so far. As always none of the songs belong to me just thought they would go great with their little outing and I know that most of you would probably know them anyways lol. These next few chapter will be interesting to say the least and hopefully come out Friday. Enjoy!

Briskly making it inside Uraraka smiled at all the flashing lights that greeted them. Sure, she was exhausted from another day at her work studies with Hawks along with Mina, Hagakure and Tokoyami but still couldn't refuse a good night out with friends.

"I still find it freaking hilarious that they made a hero suit specifically for your kind of quirk Hagakure." Mina laughed at the memory of watching the look on Hawks face once he realized what Hagakure had to do in order to use her quirk properly immediately having his team come up with a hero suit that she could wear and still be invisible.

"Yeah, but on the bright side now I don't have to be cold anymore!" Hagakure giggled sitting on a stool by the bar.

"True." Uraraka smiled in agreement wondering why nobody ever thought of that since it seemed they made hero suits tailored specifically for each individual quirk but still wondered why this was never the case for Hagakure.

"Yeah, I believe Hawk's initial responds was 'yeah that's not going to work around here.'" Mina chuckled receiving hysterical laughter in return.

"I'm glad we decided to come out today." Tsu grinned watching a few people on stage.

"Yeah, especially since they have Karaoke today before we get on the dance floor!" Mina pumped her fist in the air until her eyes stopped at a figure approaching. "Oh, hey isn't that the cute bartender?"

"What's his name again?" Yaoyorozu asked.

"Riku." He said walking up to them with a smile. "And welcome back."

"Pretty eyes!" Jirou grinned. "Yeah, we were here a couple of weeks ago."

"Yeah, sorry I didn't get a chance to say 'hi' but it was a rather busy night." He gave a slight frown before smiling again when he looked up meeting Urarakas concerned gaze. "Hey cat girl nice to see you again."

"Cat girl?" Tsu asked staring blankly at her until Uraraka sheepishly wiggled her fingers smiling. "Oh, that's cute. I never thought of that."

"So, is there any chance we could get some liquid courage?" Mina slyly asked remembering that Hawks told them they went to UA.

Smirking Riku shook his head. "Nice try. I know you know that I asked Hawks about you guys."

"Oh, come on! Just a little bit, I promise we'll behave! Besides we plan on singing tonight too AND we have a chaperone!" Mina smiled just as the pro hero walked in. "and there he is!"

"Oh no..." Hawks groaned rubbing his tired face. "What are you guys doing here? You have work in the morning!"

"Yeah, with you." Uraraka smiled teasingly making him pout.

"Fine whatever but if I don't see you guys there on time there will be consequences."

"Yes sir." They saluted, making him roll his eyes as he went to greet the rest of the guys already looking through the song list.

"You know..." Mina started but was cut off by Riku.

"Answer's still no."

"Really?! Well how old are you? I bet you're not even old enough to work here."

"Keep thinking that. I'm 21." He laughed, setting down six glasses in front of them. "Here, it's on the house some nice refreshing non-alcoholic drinks."

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