Chapter 62

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She squinted her eyes at the bright lights that were seeping through her closed eyelids that no doubt shone in from outside. The room was silent apart from the beeping from the monitors and the faint noises from people outside. She slowly started blinking, trying to open her eyes to see where she was.

'Where am I? Am UA?'

As her vision started to clear so did the hazy feeling in her head, realizing that she was indeed back home and in the infirmary.


She couldn't recall how she got here but she did remember the events leading up to it. Opening her mouth, she felt her throat dry and groggy from sleep. Her body felt exhausted, powerless, and heavy, she could barely move her hand let alone her whole body.

It wasn't until she moved her head that she found someone slumped against her legs. Swallowing down hard she forced herself to speak in barely an audible whisper. "Ka...'

Stirring in her sleep Tsu lifted her tired head up to see Uraraka trying to lift herself into a more comfortable sitting position but failing.

"Ochaco you're finally awake!" she said with a tired and worried voice which stirred the rest of the people sleeping in the room awake.

Scolding herself for not having realized it sooner, Uraraka lifted her eyes to see the rest of her friends sleeping in various parts of the infirmary. "What are you doing here....?"

"Try not to strain yourself." Iida said groggily getting off the couch and walking over to her. "The last thing we need is for you to faint again from exhaustion."


"You gave everyone quite a scare young lady if I say so myself." Recovery Girl smiled as she walked inside with a tired sigh as the students slowly began getting to their feet. "I couldn't seem to get anyone to leave for more than an hour." She looked over at the IV that was attached to her. "How are you feeling dear?"

Closing her eyes with a slight nod of her head, Uraraka silently accepted the cup of water Mina handed her.

"You must be thirsty." Mina quietly said with a sad smile and Uraraka could tell by the puffy swollen look in her eyes as well as Tsu's that they were trying to hold back more tears.

"How long have I been out?" she managed to croak out flinching at sudden use of her throat.

"You've been out for a couple of days now." Kirishima offered walking into the infirmary and directly to the bed. "It's good to see you awake Uraraka."

"Thank you." She weakly smiled until it hit her. "Wait did you say a couple of days?" Uraraka shook her head in confusion once again trying to sit up.

"Woah take it easy babe." Mina said helping her.

"Wait where's...?"

Placing a reassuring hand on her shoulder, Yaoyorozu gave her a faint smile. "Hagakure's fine, she's actually talking with Hawks right now and Dabi is...."

"My brother's still out." Todoroki said, still sitting on one of the chairs before walking over to the bed, not wanting to worry her about the details that they didn't know if he was going to pull through. Endeavor and the rest of his family never left Toya's side, waiting anxiously in the hospital. "It's good to have you back Uraraka."

Nodding she quickly tried to get to her feet until Iida firmly placed his hands on her shoulders to lay her back down. "Uraraka you should rest."

Stubbornly shaking her head, she looked at everyone. "I'm fine guys. When do we leave?"

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