Chapter 32

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"Ugh..." Lazily slamming her hand against the alarm clock she quickly dug herself under the covers hoping to get at least another 10 minutes of sleep in until she heard movement in her room making her jolt right up, searching her room she didn't see anything but could've sworn she heard something.

"Ochaco babe, you up yet?" Minas voice could be heard behind her door cherry as ever.

"Y-yeah." Uraraka scratched her head before letting out a big yawn and stretching her arms above her head as Mina let herself in.

"I swear I feel like we do this every morning." Mina laughed walking over to her bathroom.

"That's because we do." Uraraka gave a tired chuckle dragging herself out of bed.

"Yeah, that's true. Alright then it wouldn't surprise you to know we're running late." Mina casually said now laying on her bed.

"WHAT?!" Gawking, Uraraka bolted to the bathroom quickly getting ready for another day of school.

"Relax we still have at least 10 Minutes before class starts, and frankly I think Mr. Aizawa's already running out of punishment for us at this point." She grinned looking at her nails.

"Doesn't mean we should keep pushing his buttons." Uraraka said brushing her teeth and putting on her red tie at the same time.

"True." Mina shrugged getting to her feet as Uraraka grabbed her pink backpack, putting her hair up in a messy bun and grabbing Minas arm ran out and over the grass that would save them time, smiling as they reached the entrance of the school. "See we're fine." Mina lifted her hands in the air.

Giggling, Uraraka took one step before her eyes caught spiky ash blond hair not too far away leaning against his locker with his hands in his pockets smirking at something Kaminari and Sero were saying.

Buzzing with happiness, Uraraka felt her cheeks warm and sudden fluttering in her stomach, unaware that Mina had stopped walking as well, quizzically looking to see what had caught her friend's attention.

Lifting a finger to her chin with scrutinizing eyes, Mina quickly yanked her by the hand making the gravity manipulator yelp and stumble in her steps to try and catch up unless she wanted to be dragged through the hallway floor with how fast Mina was running.

"Huh?" Turning his head Sero saw a flash of pink and brown run past them before they disappeared down the hall and out of sight. "Guess everyone's gotta be doing something." Thinking nothing of it he quickly glanced back at Kaminari and Bakugo to head on to class with the explosive quirk user quickly blinking in the direction the girls had run off to with a faint pink tint to his own cheeks.


"Alright, spill." Mina authoritatively said, placing her hands on her hips. "I know that look so don't bother lying missy."

Rolling her eyes Uraraka suddenly gaped at her reflection in the mirror and gasped at the flushed look on her face staring back at her.

Smirking as if reading her thoughts Mina hopped onto the bathroom counter. "Don't worry girl, it's a cute look. So, talk."

"But we don't have time."

Glancing at her watch Mina shrugged. "We've got a few minutes so at least give me the short version."

Pouting, Uraraka reluctantly turned her head telling Mina what had occurred the previous days knowing there was no way out of it, especially with the way the pink girl seemed to hang on to every word like it was the very air she breathed.

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