Chapter 55

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It was already 9:20 by the time Bakugo finally made it back to the dance after looking for Uraraka without luck. Frantically letting his eyes scan all the students in hopes of finding her and ignoring all the complains when he pushed through the crowd of people until he saw their classmates sitting around the same tables, but it seemed everyone was right back to arguing amongst each other.

"The fuck's going on here?"

"Oh Bakugo, you came to join your little class fight?" Monoma grinned standing next to him with a small crowd of students who were currently watching the display. "Seems like even when we're about to get out of this school, class A still feels the drastic need for attention."


"Huh?" Turning their heads, they saw both Kendo and Tokage furiously marching up to them. "Hey Kendo, what can I do for ya?" Monoma asked.

"Don't play dumb with me Monoma." Kendo pointed her finger making the boy worriedly glance from her hand back to her sharp eyes hoping she wouldn't knock him out again.

"W-wait what did I do now?"

"Tokage told me that you were the one she saw taking pictures of all of us in the girls locker room!"

"WHAT?!" Monoma gaped between both girls. Sure, he was an asshole at times he could even admit to that, but he would never go that low. "I honestly think you have me confused with someone else Tokage."

"It was you." Tokage narrowed her eyes.

"Guys I swear!" Turning back, he saw Bakugo stare back in disgust. "Bakugo back me up here."

"Oi don't drag me into your damn perverted business." The explosive blond said turning his attention back to his friends.

"This is SO like you!" Tokage shouted jabbing her finger at Monomas chest.

"I swear I didn't do it!"

"Ugh." Rolling his eyes in annoyance Bakugo turned back to Kendo and Tokage. "Look as far as I'm concerned, this jackass may be the biggest asshole around here, who repeatedly deserves a beating. But I don't think he'd stoop that low to grape face's level."


"But then again he might, I don't care enough to know him all that well."


"Anyways, have any of you seen Ochaco anywhere?" Bakugo asked hoping they have.

"Uraraka?" Kendo shook her head along with Tokage. "Haven't seen here in a while."

"Woah Bakugo did you honestly lose your girlfriend?!" Monoma cackled. "If it were me, I'd find a hard time keeping away from her."

Grabbing him roughly by the collar, Bakugo narrowed his eyes. "Wanna run that by me again?

"Um...not really." Monoma lifted his hands realizing this wasn't necessarily helping his case when both girls continued to glare at him and couldn't be more thankful when Tetsutetsu intervened.

"Hey guys this really isn't the time. We have enough issues as it is."

"Let me guess..." Scoffing Bakugo reluctantly let go and looked back at his classmates. "Your class has been acting like these morons too."

"Yeah, you could say that." Tetsutetsu mumbled watching Monoma irritably straighten his wrinkled shirt.

"Well, I for one don't like being everyone's punching bag." Monoma grumbled.

"Whatever not like you don't have that coming." Bakugo rolled his eyes before settling Tetsutetsu with a serious expression. "Have you seen Ochaco anywhere?"

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