Chapter 53

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As Saturday rolled around and everyone was running around in a frenzy trying their best to get ready for the big dance later that day, Uraraka found herself lazily lying in bed staring at her alarm clock which already read 9:30 am and debating on whether to get up or not. Tiredly groaning when her phone alerted her of another message. "It's Saturday, a Saturday we're finally off and people want to wake me..." she grumbled turning over and reaching for her phone.

Mina: Hey babe you up?

Mina: Ochaco!

Mina: Don't tell me you're still in bed sleeping, I know you hear your phone!

Group chat:

Tsu: Ochaco are you up yet?

Momo: Girls we're scheduled to be at the beauty parlor at exactly 10:30 sharp.

Jirou: and clearly not a minute earlier 😒

Mina: Not our fault you're not a morning person.

Tsu: I don't really think any of us are at this point.

Mina: Well today we are!

Kaminari: Gotta agree with Tsu on this one 😴

Hagakure: Alright, how do you keep finding our chats?!

Kaminari: I've got my secrets.

Mina: Jirou!

Tsu: Jirou

Hagakure: JIROU!

Momo: Of course

Jirou: Hey it wasn't me!

Hagakure: Tell that to the jury!

Giggling Uraraka scrolled down to her other notifications.

Katsuki: Hey whenever you decide to come down, breakfast will be ready.

Deku: Hey Uraraka, feel like joining us for breakfast anytime soon? Kacchans cooking right now but keeps smacking our hands away until you show up. I think he's worried we're going to eat it all 😋

Todoroki: Uraraka are you awake by any chance?

Shinso: Please tell me you're up?

Mina: Girl you better get down here!

Kirishima: Uraraka you know I love you and everything but a man's gotta eat! 😭

Present Mic: Yo girl get down here, I'm starving!

"Wait- what?" Smiling to herself she reluctantly got up, headed to the bathroom, and got ready for the day. The minute she stepped out of the elevator yawning she looked up to see everyones eyes on her. "Erm...good morning?

"Good morning Uraraka! Why don't you come and have a seat." Iida quickly stood up waving his arms to gesture her over.

Awkwardly smiling, she situated herself between him and Deku, fully aware that everyone was watching her every movement. "You guys didn't have to wait for me."

Chuckling Kirishima turned to look at Bakugo walking around in the kitchen. "Yeah, well it's not like we really had a choice in the matter."

"Cram it Shitty hair!" Placing the rest of the food on the table, Bakugo walked back to the kitchen.

"Katsuki, did you really make everyone wait for me?" she scolded watching him click his tongue and eyeing everyone as he set the last of the plates down.

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