Chapter 20

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AN: Hey guys hope you've enjoyed this story so far. Been taking me a little while to get this update out since this has been a rather busy week, but it's a bit longer. I do however want to tell you all that I am in no way shape or form responsible for any ideas this chapter might give you lol. This is purely for the story...


"You guys, I'm so boreddddd." Mina whined making sure to draw it out. "Let's do something!"

"I thought that's what we were doing?" Tsu asked lifting a finger to her chin while they were laying outside in the grass towards the back of the dorms trying to catch some of the sun's rays.

"What did you have in mind?" Hagakure asked sitting next to her. It was Sunday and they had decided to spend the day outside but declined the guys offer to join them by the pool since it would be too crowded with the other classes around.

"I mean it's already July.... and how long has it been since we've messed with the guys?" Mina asked looking at Jirou for confirmation.

"122 days give or take without counting the other small ones in between."

"Yeah, you see-unacceptable! What is going on with us?!"

"I think they call that maturing. Ribbit." Tsu giggled putting on her sunglasses.

"Well, whatever it is- it needs to stop." Mina thought for a moment slowly grinning with an obvious twinkle in her eyes.

"Oh no, I know that look." Yaoyorozu quickly sat up. "You guys remember what happened last time?!"

"Hey in my defense- I didn't know it would blow up the whole boys locker room!" Hagakure cackles. "And they still don't know who did it."

"That's not the point." Yaoyorozu rubbed her head.

"Oh, Momo you know you had fun too!" Jirou nudged her. "Well whatever it is, I'm in."

"Fine if you insist. I suppose as long as no one gets in trouble or hurt."

"Yay Momo! We really had to twist your arm there to convince you huh?" Mina giggled. "Chako?"

"Oh no, not me." The gravity user said keeping her eyes shut and lazily laying on the grass.

"But you have to! You come up with some of the best stuff!"

"Hagakure's right. It could be fun." Jirou said twirling her earjacks. "Some of those idiots deserve it..."

"Ok, other than Jirous personal vendetta. All those in favor?"

"I!" They all shouted except for Uraraka.

"Alright operation messing with the boys commences on Monday at 0800!"


Bakugo would consider himself to be a morning person... as long as you didn't talk to him, breathe near him, or even looked his way. So, by 'morning person' he meant waking up at a descent hour which meant 5:00 am to get a good workout before running back to his room, shower and get to class before any of those morons did. So, while in the shower it came as a surprise when he swore he heard his alarm blaring indicating he was running behind. "SHIT SHIT SHIT!"

Quickening his pace, he franticly ran out of his room still buttoning his white shirt and nearly colliding with Kirishima along the way who looked equally alarmed while still combing his hair.

Bakugo's never been late a day in his life! If anything, he was always early, and he'd be damned if he started now.

Once they made it to the classroom, they saw most of the class was already there and slumped on their desks with some yawning.

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