Chapter 41

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AN: Once again guys as you know the song and characters aren't mine.

Enjoy! :)

Throughout the remainder of class that day Bakugo continued to divert his attention from the current lesson to the back of the classroom where she sat with a slight blush to his cheeks, until Cementoss walked by still reading from his book and successfully smacking the blond in the back of his head with rolled-up paper on his way down the aisle. Cursing under his breath Bakugo begrudgingly turned his head back to his own book but not before shooting off nasty glares at some of the people who he heard quietly chuckle.

Smiling to herself Uraraka continued to follow along in her book or at least follow as best as she could since her mind kept wandering off and replaying what had happened between them over and over again and anytime she did, she felt that same excited feeling in her lower stomach.

To be honest she was still surprised at herself for being so bold as to do something like that, not that she minded in the least, she actually liked it. But that didn't stop her face from burning up everytime she remembered the beautiful sounds he made that encouraged her to just keep going.

Bakugo was attractive and everyone knew it. Heck he was considered quiet the catch in school, but seeing him like that...flustered, sweating, breathless, eyes pleading and gasping her name between groans of pleasure, and that face...that handsome face as he moaned out when he finally-

'Ok Ochaco this isn't the time!' Pressing her lips together she stole a quick glance his way, surprised to see him now looking forward and leaning back in his seat with his hand raised to answer one of Cementoss's questions. 'I better pay attention.'

When class finally ended, and she started gathering her things she was startled to see Mina throwing herself on top of her desk. "Mina?!"

Lifting her head, the pink girl gave her a sheepish grin before recomposing herself. "Sorry babe had to make sure I arrived before Mr. Explosion Murder did. Since I know you saw my message missy!"

"Oh um...ok" Uraraka said placing the last of her things into her bag. "But remember I have cleaning duty."

"Pfft nothing to it, I'll even help." Mina dismissively waved off with her hand. And as if on cue they saw the rest of the Bakusquad already approaching. "Speaking of which..." she mumbled. "Hey!"

Grinning Kirishima gave her a light kiss on the forehead. "Hey, we've gotta go and pick up some last-minute things for the food stand tomorrow and set up. You guys coming?"

Some of her classmates had offered to pick up groceries for their school festival food stand this weekend including Bakugo- well more like he was forced to volunteer in cooking since none of them 'could cook worth a damn' in his words.

She did feel bad that she couldn't contribute as much but decided to at least help set up a little after she was done cleaning before heading on over to Hawks since they had asked for the weekend off due to the festival.

"Sorry boys no can do. I'm helping my girl out with the cleaning." Mina draped her arm over Urarakas shoulders with a small wink.

"You're going to help clean?" With a raised brow Bakugo saw the pink girl stick out her tongue but instead of responding, decided to keep his eyes on Uraraka with a soft smile on his face that unfortunately for him Raccoon eyes caught. Which made him quickly avert his gaze afterwards.

"Alright dudes let's go already, I've gotta go meet someone soon." Kaminari lazily stretched his hands behind his head, really not looking forward to the conversation he was about to have with the girl from gen course until Jirou slammed her hands on her desk as she walked out of the classroom with Yaoyorozu. "Huh? Guess she must really be stressed about tomorrow."

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