Chapter 13

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AN: Here we are! Part one of the Sports Festival! I hope you guys are ready and enjoy it. Part two as I said before will come out later this week and I hope everyone's staying safe with this crazy weather! Thanks again for reading.


This was it. It was the morning of the sports festival and Uraraka along with everyone else was feeling quite nervous but also excited to see what the next three days would hold. Luckily for them they were able to watch the 1st and 2nd years before it was time for theirs.

Which is why she found herself on the second day sitting next to Deku and Iida eagerly watching the 2nd year's events play out.

"Wow it still amazes me to see all these different types of quirks we're seeing along with how they are using them." Deku mumbled to himself franticly jotting down notes in one of his notebooks.

Smiling fondly at the green haired boy next to her, Uraraka let a small giggle. 'Some things never change.' she mused looking around at the rest of her friends that were also watching the second years until her eyes landed on the surprisingly focused Bakugo sitting a few seats behind them. 'I guess he's just as interested as the rest of us.' she thought, turning her attention back to the front.

"Man, those girls over there are seriously hot!" Kaminari grinned pointing at some second-year students.

'Or not.' Uraraka frowned leaning forward in her seat and deciding to ignore the rest of their conversation and instead listened to Iida and Deku talk about what was going on.

"Gotta agree with you there." Sero grinned while a girl started waving at him.

"What you morons should be focusing on is the event." Bakugo frowned not understanding what the big deal was. All these extras looked the same to him and he would rather keep his eyes on their quirks.

"Yeah dude these second years quirks look way powerful!" Kirishima nodded. "They make mine look weak."

"What the hell you talking about?"

"Yeah bro don't sell yourself short. I would kill to have a quirk like yours and not have to worry too much about getting hurt." Kaminari slapped him on the back making the red head smile.

Turning his attention back to the front, Bakugo was surprised to see Uraraka frowning and clearly annoyed at something while watching the lower classmen. Curious, he leaned forward to get a better look and find out what could've set her off or if there was anything he missed.

"Really?" Momo smiled listening to Todoroki talking to her about two of the 2nd year students currently fighting each other.

'That fuckin Icy hot idiot.' Scowling Bakugo shook his head already aware of the reason why Uraraka was probably upset.


Once the second day was done and over with it was finally the last day of the Sports Festival.

"You guys! This is it! This is our last one!" Mina exclaimed hugging the girls in the locker room while changing into their blue and white gym clothes.

"Oh no no no no we are not doing that today." Uraraka said seeing the sad look already plastered on Minas face and dragging her out of the locker room. "Besides this is still the beginning of the school year Mina."

"I know." Mina took a deep breath trying to calm her nerves. "We got this."

"You bet we do." Jirou smiled along with the other girls as they made their way out.

"Although I have to admit it always does make me somewhat nervous knowing that the whole country is watching. Ribbit."

"Really not helping Tsu." Uraraka giggled.

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