Chapter 39

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You know that moment when you know there's bound to be bad weather, and you think you're prepared for it but come to find out that you're actually not? This was it, the calm before the storm.

Her heart continued to hammer against her chest and her thoughts were in all sorts of panic modes. Expecting to be eaten alive by the wolves now staring back at them with such utter shock no one dared to speak.

Sensing her anxiousness Bakugo tightened his hold on her hand giving it another reassuring squeeze. Narrowing his eyes at every one of their friends' faces he took a long deep breath in preparation of what's to come.

Ok...ok maybe if we just pretend like everything's normal then things might not be as bad...' she tried to convince herself until she heard the next words out of her boyfriends' mouth.

"Is there a damn problem?"

Whipping her head in his direction she stared wide eyed at him along with everyone else.

Shrugging his shoulder like he didn't know what the big deal was, he turned his attention back to glare at all the gawking faces to challenge them. "Well?"

"Ah... ah..." Frantically pointing his finger at their joint hands, Mineta along with everyone else continued to be rendered speechless.

Mr. Aizawa, who was just as surprised and already sitting up from his sleeping back cleared his throat just as the bell rang. "Alright everyone get to your seats. That counts for you too Mic, get to your class." He tiredly rolled his eyes at his longtime friend.

"Huh?" Turning, they both jumped at their equally stunt English teacher standing right behind them.

"But Eraser-"

"Mic!" Mr. Aizawa sternly said giving him the 'not now' look. To which his best friend nodded before leaving. Putting his sleeping bag away, Mr. Aizawa walked over to the two, making sure to address the room once more. "All of you, in your seats now. You two see me after class."

Without having to be told again, everyone did as they were told including Bakugo and Uraraka who nodded at their teacher with the latter keeping her head down the whole way to her desk feeling all eyes on her.

"Alright. Now for the morning announcements..." Mr. Aizawa tiredly exhaled going over all of the necessary information for that day as well as what their training later that day would revolve around. But as much as he tried to keep their attention, he knew that it was becoming pointless as the minutes ticked by.

Hearing the ongoing whispers around him, Bakugo felt his eye twitch and the veins on his forehead ready to pop. Clenching his fists on top of his desk he felt himself shaking with all the pent-up anger bubbling up.

Uraraka on the other hand kept her gaze fixed downward writing down anything of importance Mr. Aizawa was saying and trying her hardest to not freak out as she normally would. She knew this would happen. But with all the hushed voices surrounding her as they gestured with their pen, she couldn't wait for this day to be already over and was surprised Bakugo still managed to keep from blowing anyone up, but by the looks of it, it wouldn't be long now until he did.

Snapping his folder shut. Mr. Aizawa seemed to have the same thought as he pinched the bridge of his nose in preparation for the hurricane of a conversation that was bound to happen. "Alright, so it seems like instead of acting like the responsible soon to be adults I was hoping you all to be at this point, it seems there's a rather important issue you all would like to discuss. So, without beating around the bush, by the show of hands, who has something they'd like to say?"

As a sea of hands rose, Mr. Aizawa saw Bakugo whip his head around and glared menacingly at everyone. Uraraka on the other hand tried to sink lower into her seat hoping to cover her face in her book.

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