Chapter 47

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Christmas came and went with Uraraka feeling overjoyed with being able to spend it with the Bakugos and her mom and aunt Yui the next day. Of course, she could still see it in her mothers' eyes that it still didn't feel the same this year but having each other still made things wonderful and they did their best to make sure to keep certain traditions going even without her dad there.

The day after was the small concert their class decided to throw for the students who either didn't get to leave the dorms for the holidays or for those who still decided to come out and watch them during winter break which was surprisingly a lot of students, and they were worried that if anymore else came they wouldn't know where to put them.

"I'm surprised so many people showed up." Tsu said next to Uraraka as they walked backstage to greet the band along with some of their classmates.

"Hey guys I'm glad you came!" Yaoyorozu smiled approaching them with Jirou. "Frankly I'm still surprised so many people managed to make an appearance today."

"Yeah, you'd think they'd be home enjoying their vacation." Jirou nervously played with her earlobes.

"If I didn't know any better, I'd swear I heard you sounding nervous." Mina grinned playfully draping her arms over her shoulders.

"Eh...not really..." she weakly said.

" the way where's the rest of the band?" Mina questioned looking around. "We wanted to wish you all good luck before finding good seats before they're all taken."

"Don't worry. Iida saved us some." Uraraka smiled.

"Always so thoughtful." Mina giggled.

"Well Tokoyami is setting everything up on stage and I know Kaminari and Bakugo were unloading the last bit of equipment from the car." Jirou said.

"Well, they better hurry up, it's packed out there." Mina said before turning to see her friend leave.

"I'll be right back. I'll see if they need any help carrying stuff inside." Uraraka playfully wiggled her fingerspads. Jogging down the small steps and passing a few students she almost managed to bump into Kaminari in the process. "Oh, sorry Kaminari!"

Tightening his hold on the giant black case he was dragging inside he gave her a nervous smile. "Hey! It's alright as long as I don't drop this then Bakubro won't have to kill me."

"I actually came to check and see if you guys needed any help." She squinted her eyes smiling.

Glancing over at the crowd he quickly nodded, realizing what a hassle it would be to try and move between all those people to get backstage. Using her quirk, she saw him slowly grin in appreciation when the case lifted up and making it easier to carry. "Hey thanks Uraraka! Our dude should be locking up the car right now."

"Alright." She waved continuing on her way outside. With how packed the place was it started feeling a little stuffy, so once she finally stepped foot outside, she took a deep breath of fresh air until she almost choked on it and quickly placed her hand against the wall to see someone talking to Bakugo while he was casually leaning against the back of the car with his arms folded.

She thought she recognized that girl before thinking she'd seen her during the 2nd year's sports festival this year when the guys were talking, but how did she know Bakugo?

But that wasn't what actually shocked her. What surprised her was that even though the explosive blond had his usual scowl on his face, he didn't seem too bothered by whatever the girl was saying and instead spoke back to her. About what she couldn't tell.

Furrowing her brows Uraraka tried to push down the feeling growing in the pit of her stomach thinking she was just being silly, that there was no way Bakugo would ever...

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