Chapter 14

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"ALRIGHT! NOW THAT WE'RE READY! LET'S GET THIS BALL ROLLING!" Present Mic shouted making the audience cheer in excitement.

"Is this always necessary." Mr. Aizawa yawned.

"DO YOU WANT TO DO THE COMMENTARY?" Present Mic asked, moving the microphone closer to his friend.

"Sure. Alright everyone listens up, your objective is to find the rest of your teammates that are going to be scattered all around the huge hedge maze. Keep in mind that the only tools available to you will be of course your quirks, a small adjustable headlamp and ear coms nothing else. This will be a timed exercise meaning every member needs to be accounted for and make it out of the maze alive."

"Alive?" Deku gulped at that, making their teacher smile.

"There will be certain...surprises waiting for you. Once you arrive at the center point of the maze with your teams make sure to grab your colored belts that are assigned to every team. That being said, remember you will start as soon as we give you the go ahead going from whoever finished last to first during your last event." Giving the microphone back to a twitching Present mic, Mr. Aizawa just grinned back. "There."

Taking a shaky breath Uraraka could hear Bakugo swearing under his breath a little further away and tried her hardest not to laugh ass she looked at her teammates which now consisted of Mina, Tokoyami, Hagakure, and herself. 'No need to panic, we got this.'

One by one students were taken away by the floating robots into the maze while everyone patiently waited their turn.

"Hey Deku and Todoroki!" she grinned walking over to them since they were also waiting. "Excited about this next event?"

"You bet." Deku grinned fist bumping her. "Iida just went in. So, I'm excited to find out what's in store for us. How about you?"

Feeling the awkward tension since Todoroki was avoiding his eyes the moment she arrived and instead just stared to where she guessed Iida was just transported over to. She kept the smile on her face despite that, adjusting her headpiece. "I have to admit it's a little nerve wracking given the vague information we got. But I'm sure we'll do fine."

"You're right." Deku nodded rubbing his chin and looking deep in thought no doubt going over every possible scenario.

"How about you Tod-" now turning to the stoic boy she couldn't help but frown as he walked off before she could even finish her sentence and felt hurt by his recent behavior.

"Well, that was odd." Deku said letting his eyes drift over to where Uraraka was staring. "He's been quieter than usual. I wonder if he's ok."

"I hope so." she quietly said.

Once it was her turn and she was lifted up, she could see the lights fading from the arena as she entered the huge hedge maze. It was so dark she couldn't even see her hand in front of her face until she turned on her light and then that's all she could see. "Well, that's great." She mumbled to herself as she looked up to see a large glowing purple cloud covering the dark sky above the tall hedges.

Squinting her eyes to try and see through the pitch black all around her and feeling the eerie silence and the sound of her own breathing pick up, she started to feel the panic rise inside her. She wasn't one to be scared of the dark, but this was a bit much, especially when she suddenly heard a loud screaming coming from somewhere within the large maze. As if on instinct she started taking a step forward only to hear a buzzing sound in her ear. 'Crap I have to wait for them to give the purple team the go ahead before I move.'

Chewing on her button lip she tried to ignore the continues howling and screeching sounds coming from every direction followed by ear piercing screams that must've been the sounds of the other teams who had already started.

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