Chapter 51

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The sun was beaming through the curtains causing her to stir lightly. The warm rays of the morning sun kissing her face as she slowly fluttered her eyes open after a few lazy trials. Smiling, she closed her eyes snuggling into the warm blanket until she winced, completely forgetting about her left wrist and... 'Oh...'

Slowly remembering the previous night's events, she found herself smiling as the memories flooded her mind. Too busy internally giggling to herself in disbelief, she was unaware of the arm lazily draped over her until she felt it tighten around her waist and pulled her closer. She let out a satisfied hum when something lightly pressed against her shoulder blade and moved its way up to her cheek.

And that's when it hit her...she was still naked.

Clutching the blanket to cover her still bare chest, she hesitantly turned to an already awake Bakugo leaning on his elbow beaming down at her making his red eyes shine brighter.

"Good, you're finally awake." He lazily grinned. "Thought I'd have to get creative on how to wake you."

Unable to hide the burning blush creeping up to her cheeks the way his eyes slowly dragged themselves up and down her curves hidden by the blanket before meeting her gaze again in a suggestive way.

"You can't say things like that!" She screeched trying to cover her now beet red face, hearing him let out a loud laugh.

"Why not? Could be fun." he smirked, removing her hand, and instead comfortably situated himself to face her, with the blanket in between them. "Now you're shy huh?" he chuckled, moving some of her hair out of her face and tenderly stoke her cheek. "How are you feeling?"

"I-I'm fine. H-how are you?"

He tried his hardest not to smile at her timid behavior as well as her oblivious responds to his question. "Fuckin great."

"Katsuki..." she groaned trying to hide her face again. "How are you so casual about this?"

"Ok hey look..." he said taking a deep breath in and settling her with a sincere expression. "It's not like I'm an expert at this..." He felt the corner of his lips lift in a hopeful sort of way. "But I guess I'm alright with it since it's us."

Relaxing her face, she looked up at him with warm brow eyes knowing that he was trying to help her feel comfortable as well as be honest with her, which she found incredibly sweet. "Yeah?"

"Yeah." He smirked before furrowing his brows and looking at her left wrist. "How is it?"

"Still hurts." She grimaced when she rolled her aching shoulder. "Can't wait to get back and see Recovery girl."

"Well, that's what your ass gets for being so damn heroic all the time." He chuckled receiving a playful slap on the arm when she did the same. Leaning down he cupped her right cheek, slowly angling his face so that his lips hovered over hers. "You know...I meant what I said last night."

"Me too." She smiled so brightly it made his heart pick up speed.

"Good, because we're definitely doing that again." He wickedly grinned and not giving her the opportunity to speak, he pressed a delicate kiss on her lips drawing in a sharp breath from her. He felt so much happiness radiating through him that he wasn't sure he could contain himself.

Realizing that she loved him just as much as he did her, both kept the smile on his face yet could admit that it still somewhat scared the shit out of him. The thought of having one person have this much control over him still frightened him. But he didn't care anymore as long as she would stay by his side, he would continue to offer it to her freely.

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