Chapter 7

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AN: Hey guys! Here's chapter 7. I hope you enjoy it and had a great weekend! As for the song that's playing in the background I just reallylike the beat so if it helps it's "Gold" by Kiiara and I'll let you know in the story when it starts playing.

Next update will be Wednesday!


"Ok. How about this one?" Mina asked standing in front of Uraraka's mirror holding a dress against her body.

"Hmm...not sure. What exactly are we going for here?" Uraraka asked, still sitting on her bed, letting her eyes scan over the various clothes lying around.

"We're going for hot but not overly slutty either."

Exchanging looks they all started laughing until Jirou curiously lifted her hand. "But why? I mean it's just to hang out and go dancing right?"

"That's what I thought?" Uraraka asked agreeing with Jirou.

"Well, it definitely is. But that doesn't mean we can't look good right?" Mina grinned walking back over to dig through the clothes. "And aren't any of you trying to get anyone attention today?"

"HUH?!" they blurt out.


"Not me."

"No way!"

"I should say not."

"Who knows maybe one of you guys will find a special someone." Mina winked going back to the mirror.

"Not me. I'm just excited to have fun with my friends." Uraraka said smiling at the others.

"Same here. Forget that other stuff."

"Ok what about you Momo? Any luck with Todoroki?" Hagakure asked.

"Oh well...I'm not sure..." she said over her shoulder as she did her hair. "I mean the guys did invite him to come out today, so I offered him and Tokoyami to drive with us after his visit to see his brother at the hospital since there's more room in one of the cars my parents let me drive."

'I keep forgetting how rich she is.' They all thought while gawking at her.


"Anyway, that's good that they're going." Tsu said looking through the clothes.

"Yeah, I'm even more surprised that Bakugo was ok with Todoroki tagging along for his birthday after the way those two have been."

"Hagakure's right. What's the deal with them lately? I thought they got along well before." Jirou said.

"Who knows?" Mina said. "You can never tell what's going through their heads these days. Oh, by the way..." Pulling out her bottle Mina grinned while pouring everyone a glass. "To celebrate our first outing this year!"

"With juice?" Uraraka said smiling down at her cup.

" see-"

Almost spitting out her drink Jirou covered her mouth. "Oh, that's definitely not juice."

"Mina!" Yaoyorozu cried out after smelling Jirous drink. "Please don't tell me it's what I think?"

"Oh, don't worry Momo yours is actually juice since I know you're driving."

"Yes, but still-"

"Don't worry it's not even a big bottle and just enough for one cup." Mina said wrapping her arm around her.

"Hmm." Unconvinced Momo continued working on her hair.

"By the way how are the guys going? Are they taking the train? Ribbit."

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