Chapter 26

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AN: Hey guys thank you so much for reading and hope you enjoy this chapter.And as promised I'll always let you know if there's mature content in a chapter in case anyone's uncomfortable which in this chapter there is but just barely if that.


Rubbing his tired face, he tried to quickly blink the sleep away as all the numbers on the pages started to blur together to look like one giant mess he didn't know how to solve. It's not like he was the worse when it came to math, he was actually quite good in school but just like any normal person his age the exhaustion of school, hard training, work studies, and everything else that UA had to throw at them could get to you and all he wanted was a decent night's rest.

Checking the clock on the library wall again he glared at the hand that showed it was only 6:17pm. 'Maybe I'll be like Bakugo today and go to sleep early for once.' He mused, refocusing his attention on the book in front of him until he heard his phone BUZZ.

Reaching over to pick it up, he stopped when he heard someone giggle.

"Working hard?"

Turning his head towards one of the closer bookshelves, Todoroki nodded. "Yeah, just finishing up."

"Hmm." Uraraka nodded, keeping her eyes fixated on the books she passed by, letting her hands glide along as she went.

"Is everything alright?" he worriedly asked, placing the phone back down without opening it just as another message came through.

"Yup." She said smiling sweetly at him. "Who was that?"

"Midoriya, I think." he frowned, turning back to work on his homework.

Dragging her eyes along his features she started chewing on her bottom lip feeling that familiar rush of hunger crawling its way from her eyes, down to her stomach and further on down.

When he felt eyes on him after a few minutes, Todoroki slowly peeked from the corner of his eyes realizing that she was watching him like she was about to devour him whole. Clearing his throat uncomfortably he refocused his eyes back to his work.

There was something unsettling about her eyes, but he shrugged it off as his mind just needing rest.

"You know... it's really quiet in here."

"It is a library." He gave a small smile, keeping his head down while she continued to scan the shelves behind him.

"True." She acknowledged leaning down next to his ear. "But you know I don't think anyone's here...besides you and me."

Turning his head sideways he had to do a double take when his eyes slowly grew as she playfully ran a finger up and down the collar of her school shirt, realizing some of the buttons unbuttoned which gave him a nice view of her cleavage before embarrassingly feeling himself blush. Snapping his eyes back to his book he thanked whoever it was that started calling his phone next. "I should get that! It might be important."

Snatching the phone from his hands Uraraka quickly declined the call as he jolted up from his seat.

"What was that? You just hung up on Midoriya."

Giggling, she placed the phone behind her back before hopping on the table in front of him and playfully wiggling it above her head. "Don't worry Todoroki it's nothing important. I know what it's about."

"What is it?" he frowned trying to snatch the phone back.

"They were looking for you earlier just to hang out, but I told them you were probably studying."

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